(no subject)

Jun 06, 2010 14:42

I made it back safely to Adelaide aaaaaaaand my home net is finally connected and I've gone wireless, yay for wireless! It's probably working at 90% right now since I can't figure out why my laptop and iTouch won't connect to the wireless while my netbook does =\ .... I think that's a problem for my brother to fix at some point >_>

So, I've been home for a little over a week. My sisters went back home on Friday, and my parents leave back for Florida tomorrow. It will be... interesting, to say the least.

Oh well, I'll just have to focus on my next goal and ignore any unpleasantry going on around me \o/

In TV news, I watched episode 1 of Season 4 of Burn Notice. So far it looks pretty good... I should probably get around to watching the first two season since my parents sucked me into watching the damn thing -sighs- DAMN INTRIGUING PLOTS! I'm glad that it started so early as well. I wasn't expecting Burn Notice to come back on until the same time as White Collar and Psych (which both start up mid-July this year--- YAY! It's about damn time that it started early again)

It looks like it's going to be another interesting season, and damn having to wait until the next episode -shakes fist of DOOM at it-

Oh oh! I met with gummical in the city on Friday night to grab some dinner at BBQ City man I love that place before we went over to Toys R Us for the Pokemon event there. I was so bummed that I couldn't get Jirachi at the US event because my Pokemon games were in Vancouver while I was down in Tampa at the time, and by the time HeartGold and SoulSilver were released, the Jirachi event had finished the day earlier =\ So luckily Australia is behind the times in that respect, since I brought all but one of my Pokemon games (I couldn't find my Diamond /sad face) to Toys R Us and got Jirachi uploaded. Whoo! So now I have four shiny new Jirachi's \o/

It was an awesome night. We checked out Pulp where gummical stopped me from buying Volume 6 of Silver Diamond... damn yooooou! I'll get it one day before heading down to karaoke. One of the most awesome things about that night... gummical's bus home is right next to mine /dies of happiness. I usually never have anyone to talk to while waiting for my bus, but now I do, whoo! I thought that it was a most epic discovery ♥

I had a few other things I wanted to put on here, but I can't remember them right now... so... I guess this makes this post rather useless XD;;

pokemon, rl, burn notice, australia, reflections

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