(no subject)

Mar 05, 2010 22:42

Before I shift into fangirl mode... all I can say is that this is really appalling, to say the least. Things like this really piss me off.

ANYWAY! Onto the main topic of this post:


I managed to get my hands on that wonderful game, and all I can say is: it's about goddamn time! Sure it's not the whole thing (considering it's still in the beta stage) but it's better than nothing ♥ I've had it since Wednesday, and before then I'd only had 3x 20 minute plays of the game + 1x 15 minute play Vs. Blizzard employee at PAX '08 and '09.

So~ first impressions on the game where I'm no longer feeling the pressure of eyes on my SC gaming capabilities.

Still fantastic. Sure it's a little WCIII feel, but that's about the only main drawback from what I can see so far.

I've had a decent play of all three races (Protoss, Terran, and Zerg) and they're all good in their own way. I can't deny that I'm a Protoss fangirl, and I end up playing them nine times out of ten >_>

And now~ the beginning of my 3 days of play ♥

Having this come up on my computer definitely made me squee a little on the inside >__>

First Round: Protoss (Me) Vs. Terran (Comp)

As you can see, I'm having more than a little fun when it comes to wiping out the Terran ♥ I found an awesome combination of Carriers (my one true love), Colossus' (they are spectacular), and the Mothership (totally wish it had the original attacks).

Second Round: Protoss Vs. Terran

This shot here is just showing the Colossus in action without the mess of the Carriers around.

This here is the Mothership using the Vortex ability. It's not as cool as it used to be, but it's still pretty awesome seeing units getting sucked into the black hole ♥

Round Three: Protoss Vs. Zerg

Here's another cap of the Colossus along with the Stalkers (the two grey'ish units), Zealots (the small dudes with the glowing arms), the Warp Prism (the hovering pink'ish unit), and one of the buildings creating a unit (probably another Colossus >_>)

I mainly took this one to show not only the Carriers in action, but the Void Ray as well - which is the grey ships firing off the blue energy weapon. The Void Ray's actually pretty neat, and I look forward in testing that one out further in the future.

Round Four: Terran Vs. Terran

Nuclear Launch Detected.

This base wasn't around for too long >_> One thing I found interesting, though, was the fact that the SCV's (mineral collectors) actually moved away from the minerals and out of harms way while the nuke wet down. I as impressed even if I was trying to nuke them along with it

Round Five: Protoss Vs. Terran

I think it's pretty neat that there's the ability to go down closer to look at your units (I so can't wait to do it to Zeratul or Kerrigan ♥). So when I figured out that you could do it, I couldn't resist taking a cap of my precious Carrier fleet ^o^

And here's that same wonderful fleet in action - they're great, aren't they? ;)

Round Six: Protoss Vs. Zerg

So here's another one of the 'ground level' shot. This one has the Carrier, Warp Prism, and the Protoss Probes doing their thing.

I was sneaky here and placed a 'hidden Colossus' how something that big can hide is anyone's guess up on higher ground while a second one distracted the Zerg on the ground. You can see that hidden one making toast of that Hydralisk. Haha oh the Colossus - how much I love you ♥

Round Seven: Zerg Vs. Protoss

Yes... I know... that's a crapload of Mutalisks >_> Why yes, it is a crapload of Mutalisks lmao They definitely did their job even if I miss the Guardians. You can also see two Corruptors and one of their evolved forms in this cap. Their evolved forms basically toss the two flying parasites on its rear at enemies.

Round Eight: Terran Vs. Terran

Here you can see a cloaked Ghost that has just dropped a nuke down on their unsuspecting enemy XD tehe! Terrans wouldn't be Terrans without three specific things: Siege Tanks, Battlecruisers, and Ghosts with their nukes. Dropping nukes makes me happy. As for the Ghosts, I'm not sure yet whether to be overjoyed or not at the fact that there is no longer any Lockdown - that was always the bane of my existence while I played the Protoss against them... I lost far too many Carriers because of Lockdown =|

Round Nine: Zerg Vs. Terran

All I can say here is:


I couldn't play the Zerg and not do a Zergling Rush. Not only that, but I totally had to do it both for chibi-nataku and those wonderful people on Day 3 of PAX '09 - to where we all threatened to Zerg Rush the people keeping us from the con ♥ haha that was the best moment ever - just hearing someone yell 'Zerg Rush' out lulz thinking of it even now brings a smile to my face.

So I just had to do a Zergling rush. For those of you who don't know anything about Starcraft or the Zerg Rushes, basically the Zergling are quick and easy to make. They're a starting unit in your army, and unlike the Protoss and Terran starting units, you get two for the price of one and you can hatch them extremely quickly. In a matter of seconds you could have 6 or 12 Zerglings rushing out from their eggs and running at the enemy. They're cheap and they're entirely expendable. So how many Zerglings were put into this particular rush?

Total Zergling count for this rush: 285 Zerglings

Round Ten: Protoss Vs. Protoss

This was the last game I played for today. I took this cap right at the beginning while I was still building my Gateways (the building to get my base units from). I thought Blizzard made a pretty neat way of warping in Protoss buildings. It starts off as a dark ball of energy before it transforms into the energy coding and mapping out the building information. Then, once the building has been successfully warped, it materializes like the one in the background of this image. The Gateway in the foreground is busy building my first Zealot ♥

So that's been my adventures throughout Starcraft II so far. While this tasty little tidbit to the game is satisfying... it's left me totally and utterly wanting the full version all the moar ♥

Anyway~ I'm tired and I'm going to go to bed ^o^

starcraft, fangirling, starcraft ii beta, starcraft ii

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