Happy Ozzy is happy!

Feb 03, 2010 11:30

Day 5:

This is the wonderful present that my Mum brought be back from Australia today, yay!! I'm so happy~ I adooooooore Pizza Shapes! They're one of the best damn things in the world! ♥ They also brought along the snackies that they didn't eat, like Twisties, Burger Rings, and so forth \o/

It was kind'a funny, actually. So, it's 6:50am, I'm snoozing in bed (only went to bed around 2:30am), and my sister comes in to wake me up, trips over the beanbag, and then flails onto the bed while sounding a noise of surprise. It definitely woke me up - to which I laughed and then hugged her... so she joins me in my bed because she's exhausted, and five minutes later Mum comes up to say hello, moves on over, catches her foot on the beanbag, and does exactly the same thing. (the room was dark and the beanbag is black).

Haha it was pretty amusing to say the least ♥

Now I have to be good and ignore the pizza shapes until I can enjoy them to their full extent >.>

I don't have too much else to say other than RP news and that Psych's on again tonight -is very excited about Psych being on-.

soul_campaign apps will be opening up this coming weekend. It should be pretty exciting. There are apps for Saralegui, Wolfram, Conrad, Murata and Julia already waiting to be reviewed - which will be awesome to get into the game ♥ - and I'm definitely hoping that they'll all get in. It will be the first time playing with a close-to-full KKM cast *_____*

Now all we need is a Gunter and Yozak maybe a Shinou, Cheri and Adelbert >_>

soul campaign, psych, rp, australia, kyou kara maou, meme, food, rl

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