(no subject)

Sep 30, 2009 17:40

I was going through my old crappy computer (I was using it for Twilight Princess 'helpful hints' since my LG laptop's currently on loan until the weekend), and I managed to find some super old photos of myself (as in, from 20+ years ago). Anyway, it got me onto looking through my other photo files from my recent trips and there was only one thing that I found myself thinking.

I miss travelling.

Sure, I'm currently living abroad in a foreign land, but Canada (to me) has become more of a home rather than a place that I'm visiting/touring. That's not too surprising considering how great it is being apart of everything that I am here. I couldn't have wished for anything more wonderful, and I am 100% happy that I did this trip. The Philippines had much the same result after living there for 3.5 years. I ended up seeing that country as more of a home than some tourist destination, and still to this day I think back on that time I spent there fondly.

It's funny how that works out. I don't know if it's those short trips I do with my parents that I love, or if it's the long drawn out ones where I do everything over a long period of time.

I want to go back to Europe and see more of it. I want to go travelling around Greece - see the some of the areas that were apart of Greek mythology. I want to see the Leaning Tower of Piza and everything else Italy has to offer. I want to go and see Spain, and Turkey. That's not to mention places like Sweden, Finland, Germany, Belgium, and everything else Europe has to offer. I think that's my basic want, but I don't know when I can do that... or even if I'll ever be able to do it.

I've done the US, and as much as I love the country as well, I've got no further interest in going to the US unless it's to see my parents. Asia is still high on my list again. I want to go out and see China and not just Hong Kong - even though I adored HK. I want to go to Thailand, South Korea and live in Japan.

You know what I'd absolutely love to do? Beyond anything else? Is to go on a long'ish trip (meaning a good two months or so) with a really close friend or two, and just do everything spontaneously. Hell, it could even be a roadtrip around Australia... actually... that would be an awesome idea. I haven't seen much of my own country yet. Hell, I've seen Sydney and the surrounding areas, driven from Adelaide to Melbourne along various routes more times than I can count. Done interior South Australia.... but that's only a small portion of what's out there to see.

I would love for nothing more than to either rent a car, or help pay for petrol, and to just go out onto the open road for whatever adventures lay in store.

Maybe I'll see if anyone wants to do that with me the summer of 2010/2011. I won't be able to go and see my parents for that Christmas (since I'll only get back from the US in June 2010 and couldn't afford another trip less than 6 months later), so it would be a good time to go and do something like that. I'd just need to see who, back home, would be interested >.>

Yeah, a roadtrip sounds really good I think.

gummical, would you be interested in doing such an awesome roadtrip? If zuish is good and eats dinner before dessert, she might be able to tag along as well if she's lucky XD

ozzy sounds selfish, travelling, brainstorming, nolstalgia hits, rl, ozzy wants to travel

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