H1Nerd1 Ozzy is recovering from H1Nerd1

Sep 10, 2009 23:16

So, like, I finally got out of the house today after being confined there since Monday night. I wasn't sure if I was really ready to head back out since I've still got my nasty cough, and I was going to see a musical, but figured that it would be alright since it seemed that my cough had been controllable (somewhat) during the day.

I went to see Wicked at the Paramount (someone specially got a ticket for me which would have made me feel bad if I'd bailed). The show started at 7:30, and finished at 10:30, and I managed to hold myself from coughing throughout the entire showing. Sure it meant that I couldn't laugh throughout the entire show - since doing so would set off my cough. And now I'm paying for it with my throat acting all up, but all-in-all I rather enjoyed watching it and I'm glad I went to go and see it :)

So if anyone's thinking of heading out to see Wicked, I highly recommend it. I highly enjoyed it \o/

ozzy feels accomplished, ozzy wants a new throat, wicked, h1nerd1

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