(no subject)

Aug 19, 2009 23:49

So~ after thinking of 'it was good, but I so wouldn't watch it again' for the last two years.... I finally got around to watching the first season of Dexter again with chibi-nataku. It was a whim, and we hired it from the video store... only to find out we misread what was written and instead of getting disk 1 and 2, all that was in there was disk 2 D: so we did what anyone would do... we went out and bought the boxset lulz

I go readdicted to the series, and then I remembered just why I adored the first season. It's morbid, but ZOMG the Ice-Truck Killer is the series best antagonist \♥/ I lab's the dynamics and cat and mouse games between him and Dexter :3

We watched all of season 1 over the weekend and started on season 2. Still halfway through that one though, and hopefully we get it completed after tomorrow, but we'll see :3

I'll be all set for when season 4 starts up at the end of September. It will be awesome.

What else? Counting down the final days now until PAX starts up again. I am very excited about going. I lab's PAX, but it's sad it will be my final year of going :( I do know, however, that I'll be totally stalking the Blizzard booth >.>;;; I WANT MOAR STARCRAFT II AND DIABLO III LOVE ♥


Last Friday's episode of Psych had me lol'ing all the way through. I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY NIGHT'S EPISODE!! Waaaah they so need to have more than 16 episodes per season T____T why don't they think of the fans? :(

On a RP note...

...my Yuber muse has been bugging me a lot lately... I haven't even played him since I dropped him at damned, and he's been quiet on me right up until now :( I have missed RPing him though, but I don't think it's to the point where I will actively seek out to pick him up somewhere. I've already got enough RP responsibilities on my hands without picking up another demanding muse =\



.........but it's Yuber we're talking about~~♥

He's so damn awesome :(

ozzy is fangirling, psych, rp, blizzard, damn noisy muses!, yuber is bugging me, dexter, diablo iii, starcraft ii, ozzy hasn't used this icon in years, pax

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