(no subject)

Feb 12, 2009 12:32

I had to snicker at work yesterday. I served this one lady and her surname was 'Wolfram'. Completely random, but I thought it was amusing >.> It was a strange day at work yesterday, but I wouldn't say it was a bad one. I ended up having lunch with Nicole M (the girl who works at the booth out front of my store). I was trying to be good and I brought my own sandwich (since I spend way too much money these days). We finished lunch, and she's all like.... 'damn... now I feel like ice cream' as she glances over to the rude woman who decided to sit next to us with an ice cream from Purdy's. I'm weak-willed, I'm the first to admit to that, and I easily caved in and said we should do it =_=;; It was damn tasty ice cream as well >.>

Nicole M works at a golf range (it's a golf clothes booth across from my store) and she was telling me how she was the only female working at the golf range that was certified to drive the Fire Truck... and I was so jealous! I want to ride in one! She said that if I went down to the range in the summer that she'd take me for a spin, but I'm sure that was just her being nice. Still, Fire Truck ride = awesome ♥

Gott'a head off to work in a little under an hour. I don't mind Thursday's too much since I only have to work with my boss for 3 hours, and then I've got the rest of the night with Nicole N (there are like, three friggin' Nicole's that I talk to at work... Nicole B, Nicole M, and Nicole N). She makes me laugh so tonight should be at least entertaining. I think Dan's working at the booth out front of work as well, so I'll probably pester him at some point as well.

I'm all caught up with Psych and Monk again - which I'm happy about. Gus and Shawn always make me laugh, but I'm a little sad that there are only two more episodes left before the end of season 3 T_T I hope they bring out a season 4 -hearts to Psych- 16 episodes just isn't enough, tbh. At least it's not as bad as Dexter which has only 12 episodes per season, but still... I NEED MOAR PSYCH! What am I supposed to watch from March until July when Psych finishes? -pouts unhappily-

Speaking of watching. I really need to catch up on Gundam 00 >.> I haven't watched it since like, episode 13 and I'm beginning to fall behind =_= I've just been too addicted to Lego Batman and Dungeon Keeper to watch anything, and when I'm not playing either of those, I'm RPing.

I'm charging up my DS atm. I've been neglecting playing Chrono Trigger, but I'm getting back into that game. Chrono Trigger needs more love ♥ I've also gotten into the bad habit of reading yaoi novels during my lunch break >.> the bad thing is, I get to the good bits, and I have to go back and work! This is what happens when the Starcraft novels (about Tassadar) run out, but I've still got one about the Dark Templar that mention my favourite boy, but I might take that on my trip down to my parents in March.

Anyway, I should head off. I've got to start getting ready for work -sighs-

I need to make more icons

ozzy is weak willed, tassadar totally rocks, work, psych, monk, chrono trigger, yaoi, rl, fangirling, starcraft, dungeon keeper, anime, lego batman

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