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Oct 14, 2008 17:34

Zeratul is such major kick-ass... alike so:

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Did I mention how much I love the Starcraft series? Or how much I'm hanging out for the game to be released? I didn't think so >_>;;;;

Speaking of Starcraft. Apparently they're going to release it in three seperate games/campaigns. I was worried at first since I was all like 'ZOMG! What if the Protoss campaign is released either first or second... then it means that they lose again.' and I so don't want them to lose yet again D: I couldn't take it if the damn Zerg won the damn war, again. I mean, Kerrigan's friggin' awesome, but she'll never be more awesome than my beloved Protoss.

Then I read that the release order for the three campaigns will be --> Terran --> Zerg --> Protoss.

And there was much rejoicing.


Even though the Terran are my least favourite race to play, I'll be rather interested to see how their campaign turns out. It's mainly based around Jim Raynor and his unfinished business with Sarah Kerrigan - which will prove to be very interesting.

The Zerg are always interesting to play, and I'll be looking forward to seeing how their plot turns out.

It's the Protoss that I'm waiting to play and get through their plot though. ZOMG! ZERATUL~~~♥ you are so damn kick-ass in that SC2 opening ♥ it made me almost wish I apped for him instead of Tassadar, but Tassadar is so damn classic and awesome in his own right. I mean, how could anyone not like him after his inspirational line of:

General Duke: Protoss Commander, this is General Edmund Duke of the Terran Dominion Armada. You are in violation of our air-space and have endangered human lives in your reckless attack against the Zerg. I order you to withdraw your ships immediately. If you fail to comply, I will not hesitate to open fire upon your vessels.
Tassadar: General Duke, I am Tassadar, and you are well known to me. Whatever leniency I extended to you and your comrades before, may have been in error. If you persist in halting our course, we will burn your pathetic fleet down to the last man.
General Duke: I'm going to have to assume that was a hostile response...

Tassadar's so damn awesome ♥ but then again so is Zeratul. I would so fangirl if someone ever apped for either Zeratul, Jim Raynor, or Kerrigan in Hells Gate

On a totally different Blizzard front. I'm still majorly excited over Diablo 3 coming out.

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The Witch Doctor sounds like he's going to be awesome. Not to mention I'm fangirling over Deckard Cain and his original voice actor still being in the game, yay for free item identification \o/ I love that old coot ♥ 'Stay a while and listen.' <-- best Cain quote ever.

ANYWAY!! I best be off. It's past midnight here and I've got to go to work tomorrow -coughs-


tassadar totally rocks, deckard cain, starcraft, zeratul, blizzard owns my soul, diablo 3, starcraft ii

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