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Aug 28, 2008 10:06

Wow. I can't believe it's been over a month since I last updated this journal -coughs- Things have just been so busy that I haven't really had the mental capacity to do so. Poor excuse though aye?

So what's been happening? Too much! I did my trip over to Toronto, Niagra, and Montreal at the beginning of last month and it was fantastic. Unfortunately we were strapped for time in Toronto and was unable to do everything we wanted to do T___T but despite that, I had an awesome time there! I do wish we had one more day there thought Niagra was downright awesome, and I'm so glad that chibi-nataku and I decided to go there \o/ definitely well worth it, and I managed to get some great photos \o/

Montreal was really pretty, and the buildings there were fantastic. Not to mention that we got addicted to that Cora's breakfast and lunch place... HOMG! Was their breakfast downright drool-worthy ♥ We ate there everymorning; it was just that good XDD

Anyway! We only had a few days to relax after getting back from that trip before we were off and driving down to Vancouver. Our main objective there was to go to Anime Evolution for that weekend. While down there we met up with both continuum and usagivindaloo - which was really great :D Had greek food I had to go back and have that roast lamb on Robson Street... and homg was that totally worth it ♥ aaaand ultimately I ended up buying way more stuff at Anime Evolution than I originally planned =\ I managed to get lots of FVII things which was awesome.

Originally our plans had us travelling through to Victoria after our trip to Vancouver, but due to unseen circumstances we had to change that plan. So! After 3.5 hour wait at the Canada/USA border, we drove down to Seattle earlier. Fortunately my sister said she could put us up for the few days before leading up to PAX - which was nice of her... even if I have to put up with her hounding me about just about everything =_=;;

chibi-nataku and I went into the CBD area yesterday. We caught the bus in there and managed not to get ourselves lost, yay \o/ it was the first time I've caught a bus here without my sister or her other half leading my hand so it was a little nerve wracking :-s But! We found Kinokuniya easily enough, and managed to do only a small amount of damage in there. I found Tactics volume 5 (I'm still searching for volume 3 since I can't continue reading the series until then =\) and sort of like a 'preview' type book for season 3 of KKM ♥ it had sprite Shinou in it *_____* One can never go wrong with a sprite of Shinou XD it did have some nice art in it as well a drama CD ♥ I'll have to have a good look through it when I have more time >_>

Anyway! We managed to find out way to the Seattle Space Needle from the International District, and then all the way back to Pike Place Markets and the main shopping area on Pine Street. We felt extremely accomplished with our efforts lulz

We're heading off to uVillage today I'm totally hoping to find Tactics volume 3 at the bookstore there =\ and my sister was kind enough to give me a small shopping list of things to get for her. It's just lucky that one of the items is for Lynxie... he's so damn cute ♥ although his fur is all over my new laptop =|

Speaking of new laptops.


It's so shiny and new and I lab's it~~ even if Vista is confusing to use it has this weird 'veriface' protection on it that uses face-recognition protection on your passwords before you can even log into the computer :O I never even heard of it until then lol but it's pretty swanky. I've already installed photoshop on here, and with all of the new artbooks (I got three KKM books all up and one FFVII ultimania guide) I've got heaps of new piccies to make icon out of :D Not to mention that one of the KKM books I managed to score was a character sketchbook for the series - so all of the images are done in black and white lines *_____* There were so many awesome images in there, and I'm definitely going to have fun colouring them and making them into icons ♥

Speaking of KKM: I so want to watch more of it T_____T I know there are RAWs out there, but I only watch them if I'm desperate, and so far I've been holding off on doing that for now =\

On a RP front. Take a 'slow-posting' break for a trip and look what happens. I can't believe all of the wank that's been happening in regards to Damned lately. I know that the game does have its problems, but come on, obviously people have nothing better to do than to make everyone else feel miserable. It's pathetic. People seriously need to take a step back and look at things from a distance if they've go nothing better to do than to bitch about a bloody RPG. It's just a game after all, and seeing people purposefully go out of their way to hurt others just pisses me off. This isn't the school yard. Yet again, some people are just jerks regardless of their environment.

This is why I never go into the chats or look at those damn wank/bitch'a'thon-meme-thingy's. Well, whatever, I'll just crawl back under the rock I came from now that I've said my two cents.

The new MODs over at Stitched invited me and the others back to the game. That surprised the hell out of me to be honest. I would have thought after my 1000 word 'I'm leaving this game because the MODs have such blatant favourtism and double-standards' was enough to keep me entirely clear from the game forever. Granted, apparently the game (posting wise) went silent after we all left. I felt bad in some ways, but in others it did serve them right for being jackasses. Although when Cristiana did come and ask me to rejoin the game, I found that I couldn't just say no =_= Stitched is my longest RPG that I've been in: about 5 years now I think, and it's hard to just drop your character after you've been RPing them for that amount of time. I haven't actually posted anything in the new forum yet, but I have to reorientate myself in that regard. It had been a few good months since I last RP'ed there.

Anyway! I'm out of things to write, and I need to get dressed and go down to uVillage. Hopefully it won't be over a month until I post something again >_>;;;

ozzy feels accomplished, artbooks, homg veriface!, fangirling, greek food is love, ff7, kkm, travel, tactics waaaaaaai, wankfests are pathetic, rping, laptop, pax, icons, stitched, rl, seattle

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