Jun 29, 2008 07:42


I saw the rumours... I read the rumours... and I tried not to be hopeful because of the rumours...


THE RUMOURS WERE ALL TRUE!!! and Blizzard are bringing out Diablo 3 -gets all starry eyed-

I'm just glad that I'll be too busy fangirling over playing Starcraft 2 to notice the huge wait we'll have to have until D3 comes out *__* HOMG!! I LOVE YOU BLIZZARD!!!

-shoves Warcraft franchise out the window- it's always been my third favourite one out of theirs, and WoW sucks major monkey balls anyway -clings possessively to SC2 and D3-

I am so unbelievably happy over this news.

The trailer and the game play look awesome!! and ZOMG!!

♥♥♥♥♥♥Deckard Cain!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥

delfeus we are so going to have to fangirl and discuss in great detail each new thing about this game...

...LIKE THE WITCH DOCTOR!!! And that explodey mass of flesh!! HOMG!!! AND THE FACT THAT EACH CHARACTER CLASS CAN NOW BE EITHER MALE OR FEMALE!! Female Barbarian looks like crap... but the female Witch Doctor looks downright awesome! I wouldn't know which of the two I like more... since the male looks pretty awesome and hunched over and full of win... but the female one looks all sexy /o\

I hate waiting. I wanna play the game noooooow -whines-

I <3 you D3

I'm so unbelievably excited over this news ^o^

diablo 3

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