Sometimes you just want a rewind button.

Jan 11, 2008 20:44

Ever had one of those days were you were better off just staying in bed? I had one of those yesterday unfortunately and even despite knowing I shouldn't have been online - I couldn't help but sit around and attempt to be sociable when I really shouldn't have. Of course you go to bed on one of those days thinking 'yeah, it will be good to get this day over and done with' but instead of falling asleep, your mind's active and replaying all of the little tidbits and events of the day to make you feel worse about the whole thing and thus unable to sleep. Granted my feeling worse ended up with me feeling like a complete jerk, and after waking up and reflecting on the previous day you begin to wonder 'why one earth did that insignificant little thing bother me in the first place?'

Now the aftermath of the whole thing happens the next day doesn't it? So you wake up after such a terrible day and begin thinking 'yeah, I was acting like a complete dick'... and you waste yet another entire day trying to think over and make up for the previous one. So your one bad day ends up really being two after it's been spread out over time.

In other news:

The second half of Psych season 2 starts tonight. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow since the whole TV line up tonight stands as 4 programs within a 2 hour time slot D: So What Not to Wear and Stargate Atlantis will be watched tonight, while Monk and Psych will be taped and watched tomorrow. I hate waiting that long just to see Psych, but my Dad likes to watch it as well and he typically goes to bed around 10pm (the time Psych starts).

I also picked out my first semester subjects for uni the other day. I'm quite happy with my timetable - what with only having classes Mon - Wed and Tuesday's my only full day. If I wasn't going away in April, I was almost considering doing some work on the Saturday, but there are options to that particular thing, and if worse comes to worse, I could always take Juan up on her offer to do some work for her and get some extra cash.

Speaking of classes, I managed to get the same tutorial and seminar in Japanese as Isabella and Erika which was good. They're always fun to study with XD And Charlie's going to be doing the Creative Writing which will be great! Unfortunately Kara didn't have any free electives this coming semester which means that I won't be having any subjects with her this year which is sad T____T hopefully she'll have a class that ends near the times that mine does so then we can still hang out after uni.

What else can I put in here. Hmm on a shopping note I finally updated my iPod. Originally I had the 3rd generation which is pretty ancient in comparison to the newer ones >_>;;; and now have the black iPod classic. I wasn't even thinking of updating my iPod regardless of how old mine was, but I got an iPod stereo dock for Christmas and since mine was so outdated - it wouldn't play properly and half of the functions didn't work D: I was tempted to get a Nano, but after persuasion from my Dad... he eventually convinced me that the classic was a better option. Granted when I went into the Apple shop here I was sorely tempted to get the touch, but there were a number functions on it that I never would use quite honestly. But I was good, and I settled on the classic and left touch there... I didn't stop there though and wanted to get a new bag for uni... originally I was going to go anime style, but then I found one that I honestly couldn't resist >_> It's larger than this bag (the red tartan version) and the large emblem's on the front instead of the side... granted it wasn't the design I really wanted since I wanted the 'strawberry fields' one, but the bag which was large enough for my books couldn't be put over your shoulder unfortunately D: Which is why I went for the red tartan one >_> I couldn't just go home without the strawberry one... so I end up spending up a little more and bought it in the handbag one in the blue colour.

Now I have to be off - my battery's almost flat and I've got Not What to Wear starting in 15 mins ♥

psych, reflections, tv, ipod, shopping, uni

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