The weekends events XD

Jul 23, 2007 18:20

I finally started back at uni today after a 4 week break, and though I adored the holidays... it's actually really nice to be back and doing something productive ♥ not to mention that I got to catch up with Erika and Jed again today =D It was only a pity that Isabella and Bella weren't there today... damn Isabella and being a slacker still on holiday's -shakes fist of DOOM at her-

Also did two hours of unexpected work after uni as well which was nice, and I managed to earn myself a bit of money for my efforts. I've come to the decision that I don't mind doing the odd day during the week, but I couldn't stand doing a full weeks worth with that woman =\

What else has been happening... Oh oh!! AvCon!! How could I ever forget to write about that wonderful time over the weekend?♥

I ended up cosplaying for the first time ever at this con -feels impressed with self- and I have to admit... it was a hell of a lot of fun dressing up! I can see how people would want to do it again since it's like a damn addiction =___=;;; I ended up going as a Jolteon damn Diamond and Pearl for sucking my soul in! and gummical went as Flareon. Fortunately we each had a 'Rocker' trainer (AvCon's theme this year was Rock) whi~~~le Rich went as a Team Galactic member who kept trying to steal us XD

Anywho! The first full day there weren't that many cosplayers (Sunday was the cosplay event) but we ended up running from theatre to theatre watching the random anime/live action's they were playing like Devil May Cry, Death Note, Red vs Blue don't get me started on how much they screwed that one up =\.

Sunday, however, we had a lot more to do XD Right when we got there gummical, zuish and I entered into a game of cosplay chess (Queen's side rook pawn was so totally for the win XDD -so was that wonderful piece on the board-) and while our team didn't win, I survived on the board! -happy dances- got to meet a lot of the other cosplayers while doing it; including a heartless who had magical fingers ♥ a friggin' awesome Vincent cosplayer (granted I loath Vincent's character, but the outfit was outstanding!) and the strangest Naruto gang ever lmao I still hate that series >_>

After the cosplay chess, gummical and I de-eared ourselves and dressed in some sumo suits for the sumo competition right afterwards. I went up against her a~~~nd I ended up winning four matches against her XDD Hehe sorry gummical I was trying to let you win, but I'm way too competitive for my own good ;_;

The yaoi panel was amusing as hell... and though I can't stand the Naruto fandom... the Kakashi/Naruto skit they did there was fucking hawt ♥ the same skit they did in the cosplay event so wasn't as good or as accurate to the one they showed their true fans XD What was best about it though... was the fact that they were two guys making out at the yaoi panel ♥ to which I got the entire thing caught on video with the best angle XD

Probably the best thing though throughout the entire con was finally meeting none other than sora_ishida for the first time ever ♥ it was so damn awesome meeting you~~♥ It amused the crap out of me that you managed to find me because of the 'ozzypoos' I had written on my pass XD It was lucky that I decided to put my web name on it! =D hehe and if I still decide to go, I might be heading you way at the beginning of August if you're interested in catching up one Saturday night? XD It will probably be the 4th of August. I want to stalk JOO~~...and I still need to make those KKM icons >_>

I didn't take many photos since I was saving it to film the cosplay event. I did manage to get a few awesome ones though, but I'm hanging out to get the one from gummical and zuish's camera since there's a photo of us with an L cosplayer ♥

That reminds me... sora_ishida I'll have to upload you the yaoi panel version of the Kakashi/Naruto sketch! The angle I had was best for only one thing XDD if you're still interested in it of course ;) AND YOU BETTER BE TAKING GOOD CARE OF MY EEVEE XD

Anyway, I'm tired and my arm muscles are sore from throwing gummical out of the ring four times it was a lot harder than I thought!! so I think I'll just make myself some noodles while watching the newest DMC eps before heading off to bed ♥

I will uploadies stuff when I'm not so tired =\

work, avcon, uni

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