(no subject)

Jun 28, 2007 15:14

I finally finished all of my exams -slumps and sighs in relief- I never thought that I'd actually see the end of this dark and grimy tunnel =\

In celebrating it though... I did finish watching season 2 of Stargate Atlantis, and all I can say to that season is... HOW DARE IT END WITH THAT SORT OF CLIFFHANGER~~! -shakes fist of DOOM at it and then sniffles and pouts sadly-

Meme stolen from lil_twitty_1

How South Australian are you?

1. [X] You were born in SA.
2. [ ] You drink Farmer's Union Iced Coffee.
3. [X] You meet people at the "Malls Balls". (Although they're sadly not there at the moment -sniffles- how dare they take them away to polish their balls! -shakes fist of doom-)
4. [X] At least half of your neighbours were born before 1950. (Hell yes! I live in a neighbourhood filled with old people =____=)
5. [X] You grew up on Fritz & sauce sangas.
6. [X] You eat Fruchocs. (They're so damn tasty ♥)
7. [X] You've never watched NRL.
8. [X] You've been to the Christmas Pagent.
9. [ ] You drink Coopers... (if only I drank beer... but since I can't stand the smell of it... I'm glad I don't O_o)
10.[ ] It's the best beer in the world.
11.[X] You consider a 40 degrees to be a bit warm.
12.[X] You've eaten a Balfour's frog cake.
13.[ ] You find it hard to tell whether or not marijuana is illegal.
14.[X] You know that a berliner is something you eat. (Jam berliner's are the best >_>)
15.[X] You miss Magic Mountain.
16.[ ] You drive a Holden.
17.[X] You like YoYo biscuits.
18.[ ] You have a Hills Hoist in your backyard.
19.[X] The opening of a new airport is an exciting event for you. (well it is... it's really nice in there now~~ the old one was so dodgy >_>)
20.[ ] You can drink SA tap water without noticing any unpleasant flavours.
21.[X] You call the corner store a "deli".
22.[X] You pronounce graph as "grarph", plant as "plarnt" and dance as "darnce".
23.[X] Pints are the big beers.
24.[X]You know that "the bay" is Glenelg.
25.[X] You would never swim at Glenelg because it's gross.
26.[ ] There's a church on your street.
27.[ ] You support the Crows.
28.[ ] And you'd rather give up your first born than see the other team win the flag.
29.[X] You've bought something from the pie cart.
30.[X] You know what a pie floater is.
31.[ ] You've eaten a pie floater.
32.[X] You shop at Foodland. (only if I can't be assed going to Coles or Wollies)
33.[X] Seeing a large, Aboriginal man walking around town in a leotard and gumboots in the middle of winter does not surprise you. (LMAO Johnny is so damn awesome!! I love it when he stands there in that outfit and hoolahoops)
35.[X] You know his name is Johnny.
36.[X] You buy the Advertiser/ have it delivered. (technically no... but my Grandma does and I'm currently living with her.... so it's delivered >_>)
37.[X] You think it's a crap.. the comics make my day thou! (Sorry Gummical but I do~ @_@)
38.[X] You remember John Martin's.
39.[X] You've been on the Pop-Eye.
40.[X] You know where beehive corner is.
41.[ ] You hate the new tram.
42.[X] You've used the term "minda" as an insult.
43.[X] A pale/palie is a Coopers Pale Ale.
44.[X] You say "heaps good".
45.[X] One of the first questions you ask a person is where they went to school.
46.[ ] You don't like Victorians. (I used to not like them... but I like certain Victorian's -snuggles Yume- Love ya babe!)
47.[X] They stole our Grand Prix... bastards. (Yeah... that was pretty nasty of them >_>)
48.[ ] You get angry when you see a car with a Victorian number plate.
49.[X] You live in SA. (for now... next year though it will be Canada ♥)
50.[ ] You'll probably die here too.

Double up on how ever many crosses you would have put in the boxes to get the percentage.

66% True South Aussie. I don't know whether to be amused or insulted... but I'll go for thoroughly amused XDD

You Would Be a Pet Cat

Independent and aloof, you don't like to be dependent on anyone.
And as for other people, you can take them or leave them. You often don't care.
You live your life by your own rules. And you have deep motivations that no one truly understands.

Why you would make a great pet: You're not needy or greedy... unlike other four legged friends.

Why you would make a bad pet: You're not exactly running down to greet people at the door

What you would love about being a cat: Agility and freedom

What you would hate about being a cat: Being treated like a dog by clueless humans
What Kind of Pet Would You Be?

Your Pride Quotient: 80%

You're beyond proud - you think you're honorary royalty.
And while you may be nice on occasion, it's usually just to get what you want.
How Much Pride Do You Have?

-coughs while looking at the pride quiz-

I finally managed to get that Suikoden II doujinshi I've been wanting drooling over for a while now... and now I can soon be happy with the thought that I'll have both sexy Riou in a maids outfit -makes note to look at said doujinshi before leaving for Jap class- aaaand I get to see him under Jowy's rule as emperor I mean!! Honest!! >___> in this new doujinshi XDDD

There is a method to my madness... and this is what I've figured it out to be --> one doujinshi, two doujinshi... DOUJINSHI!!

One can never have too much doujinshi >_>

Hmm what else -ponders- I booked my flight back over to the US today. So I'll be leaving Australia a week after exams finish which is the 23rd of November, and I'll be there until the 15th of February. Then of course that gives me a little over 2 weeks until I have to go back to uni to start my second year. Whee~~ -twirls happily then pauses- although... I'm so not looking forward to telling mai sister that I'll be leaving her again >____>

One step at a time... maybe I can send her an email after I reach the states -coughs- =\

Anyway! I must run so that I can look at that doujinshi before running off to Jap class tonight ♥

meme, stargate, doujinshi, usa

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