I'm laying down in bed trying out this eljay app on my touch. Pretty decent.
I had a great holerday. Not too many people came over. Food was great. Gained 5 damn pounds. Oh speaking of being fat, I bought this fucking delish ben and jerrys ice cream. I can't remember the name right now but it had peanut butter filled pretzels and chocolate pieces and things sooooo good. I also got one called everything but the kitchen sink. Haven't had that one yet. I'm gonna have a binge tomorrow.
I'm so fucking depressed right now. So much personal shit is going dooown. I'm kind of confused but I'm also not. I don't wanna say anymore really.
Thank god for Yeastradio.com that's all I gotta say. It's the only thing keeping from jumping out of the damn window. Madge Weinestein saves lives hahahahaha
So anyway that's all. Fuck yous. Who it belong turd and hold ooon mmhmmmm
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