May 21, 2009 00:00
- 18:24 @ bootheeling I pick B! BEST THING EVER. #
- 19:04 @ queeniefox curiosity demands I ask: when did Pete sing The Great Escape? That's something I have somehow missed.... #
- 19:11 ...and everybody should watch this. #
- 19:12 Er. I mean this. Though the other is funny too. #
- 19:32 @ queeniefox I would not mind having it! Live in America's on my to-get list anyways. Somewhere. Sometime. Ha. #
- 19:33 @ kyrahlynn I want to believe that the drive-thru dude is not a plant. I want to believe that SO bad. #
- 20:05 @ queeniefox - now I shall have to get this. Mike Portnoy + Finally Free = Win Combo. Plus they cover two of my fav. Genesis songs. *dweeb* #
- 20:11 @ queeniefox Haha. But...with me it's just happy coincidence! :D I like Genesis because my Dad got me into them when I was... #
- 20:12 (oh help 140 characters never seemed so small) #
- 20:13 queeniefox Anyways. I want to say I was about eleven? Maybe? And then my bud Joc got me into Dream Theater years later. Attack drumming ftw! #
- 20:14 @ queeniefox - LONG STORY SHORT: I like them all for entirely different reasons. Tho the fact that they all did concept albums helped. #
- 20:15 @ queeniefox - (and I have heard a couple john wesley songs and I still don't know who he is. And I couldn't tell you what the songs were.) #
- 20:15 @ queeniefox - BUT WAIT I AM SUPPOSED TO BE SHUNNING YOUR LACK OF MUSICAL SHEEPNESS!! *shuns accordingly* #
- 20:16 *is, in actuality, bounding off to finish last touch room cleaning. A FLOOR. SHE HAS ONE. And it's...actually kinda ugly. O WELL.* #
- 20:25 @ bootheeling I COULD DO WITH A DIFFERENT COLOR. It looks like a 70s reject. Harvest Gold =\= nice after 30years. Plus side: less tripping. #
- 20:27 @ queeniefox - Ahh he worked with PT (yes, yes, another prog fan bingo band, yes!). That's why his name is familiar. But...I do not know. #
- 20:32 @ queeniefox Yes. :D I rather like his voice, though he sings it differently from h. (For which I approve.) #
- 21:02 Also! Hello world! I got punched in the thigh by a three year old today! How are YOU tonight? #
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