Stole this from haunted_sunny again! She should learn to lock her doors! :P

Nov 17, 2008 09:53

So, ozymandiusjones, your LiveJournal reveals...

You are... 4% unique (blame, for example, your interest in steves in general apparently) and 15% herdlike (partly because you, like everyone else, enjoy writing). When it comes to friends you are popular. In terms of the way you relate to people, you are wary of trusting strangers. Your writing style (based on a recent public entry) is intellectual.
Your overall weirdness is: 24

(The average level of weirdness is: 29.
You are weirder than 53% of other LJers.)

Find out what your weirdness level is!

OK SO I LIED. Not all of my NaNo babbling will be confined to trick, just because I am too lazy to log in and out and all that right now.

I went from 18,939 to 25,002 in the space of four hours of insanely concentrated writing yesterday, thanks to jayiin and thejokerlaughs coming up with a truly heinous penalty if I didn't hit the halfway point: Theresa would have been allowed to control my music for the next few days, with Alan making sure I stuck to my bet.


Given that she's suddenly inexplicably addicted to the soundtrack for Hair and I already have to put up with her bopping around singing "Oh Donna" ALL DAY, this was a big case of DO NOT WANT. Today's goal is 28,334, just so I can be back on track.

I ditched writing it linearly; I have a nice outline, but decided to motivate myself I would just jump from scene to scene and connect them all nicely some other time, be it before the end of the month or not. NaNo's just supposed to be a first draft anyway.

And wait until I post the final "Intentional Marillion References Made In My Nano" list. It's going to be huge. Also potentially hilarious and containing a chameleon named Angelina.

But now I must be off to shower so my hair dries before I have to walk to work.

lj, goals, meme, nanowrimo

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