Oct 30, 2008 22:17
Marillion* and the Anglo-Saxons need to let go of my brain already. When I am listening to songs and trying to imagine barren swamplands when in reality I am walking down a perfectly normal, sunny fall street, I HAVE A BIT OF A PROBLEM.
I sort of can't wait for December and November hasn't even started yet! 26hours to go. I already know how things are gonna start, story-wise...
it's not really gonna be pretty.
I'm kinda pleased by this prospect.
Also, on an unrelated note, is it cheating that a majority of my GoodReads account consists of every Star Wars/Star Trek I can remember reading as a wee girl of twelve, and picture books from when I was six? And is it a telling sign that The Whingdingdilly gets more stars than, say, Little Women or Uncle Tom's Cabin?
*Are you guys getting tired of this yet? If anyone wants me to just shut up already, I will come up with some kind of filter. or something. ha.
how did i never use that tag before,
star trek,
no the next tag is not arithmetic,
star wars