This is NOT a promising conversation starter:

Jul 22, 2005 10:52

idjit1993*: hey R U the moderator of adventure inn
ozymandiusjones: Yes.
idjit1993: in otaku
idjit1993: cool
ozymandiusjones: is there something I can help you with?
idjit1993: r u cool or a dork or jerk
idjit1993: r u a she
ozymandiusjones: .......that's an interesting question. I'm not into stereotypes, if you dig, but I think I'm pretty cool. There are some who disagree, and yes, I'm a she, that's what it says in my signature....>>Ozy = Girl<<
idjit1993: oh... u want million dollar
idjit1993: little girl
idjit1993: sorry abou\ my mental friend im holding him down
idjit1993: he lies
idjit1993: evry blue moon hes a great friend his name is Erriku
idjit1993: When did ozy become an actor seriously
ozymandiusjones: Huh?
idjit1993: we're hi on coke..... a cola
idjit1993: can u type fast
ozymandiusjones: actually, I can type pretty fast, I'm just working. Any particular reason you need to know?
idjit1993: not really ***hole
idjit1993: my friend did that
idjit1993: no it was my brither
idjit1993: *brother, sorry... not the guys U R talkin to
idjit1993: Come to my sexy party
idjit1993: hot u r
idjit1993: ?
idjit1993: Yoda said that, he rocks
idjit1993: my friend is wack
idjit1993: bye
ozymandiusjones: bye this too obvious?

It just happens to be my signature. At the forum he tracked me down through. Um. Hello?

*Name changed to protect the annoying

interwebz r srs bsns

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