May 18, 2008 23:23
In Handy Highlight Form:
-Trashtalked by an eleven (excuse me almost twelve) year old over air hockey
-Made to bleed by same eleven year old (ow, hand, ow) over air hockey
-Forced to chase down and untie a ten year old
-lectured on the proper use of jumpropes
-forced to pitch a second jumprope when girls stripped it down to the white tissue-y stuff
-watched nine episodes of Supernatural back to back. Over halfway done with the third season now. See, this is why it is such a good thing that the library doesn't have The X-Files on DVD. I wouldn't leave my bedroom until I'd seen all, what, ten seasons?
-Had ideas for making Market Square Heroes even more chaotic than it already is
-Had ideas for a Squonk-Chach conversation that desperately needs written.
exciting, huh? And then tomorrow it's banking + job applying. weeee.
adventures in sunday school