Buggery Bollocky friends. :-D

Mar 30, 2008 17:49

I have been tagged by my dear friend
kribu.     As my only friends here have already been tagged, I will demure from that piece.  ;)

List ten fictional characters you would have sex with (in no particular order) and tag five people to do the same.

1.  Captain Jack Harkness, Torchwood
 2.  Commander John Crichton, Farscape
 3.  James West, The Wild, Wild West (original TV Series)
 4.  Ellen Ripley (Alien)
 5.  Duncan MacLeod (Highlander, The Series)
 6.  Zhaan (Farscape)
 7.  The first James Bond (Goldfinger)
 8.  Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly)
 9.  Mrs. Peel (The Avengers)
10. Jack Ryan (The Hunt for Red October)

Whew...what an odd first posting in my own journal. ;)