Jun 06, 2007 22:36
Some very easy question here but one more difficult one of a nature I can only hope to have accurately apprehended and grasped - I fear however that this is somewhat unlikely, as my approach was a little interpretative. In the end nothing I can do about it now but hope, and do a resit next time if I screwed it up badly - I find this unlikely, however.
Same day as Philosophy. Two very easy modules, in fact one of them a total gift given quite how much we had covered the subject area, and in how much detail, and how much I knew/know of it. The other module had somewhat cross-syllabic questions in a fashion we had not been trained or told to expect, but the mark-scheme and similar were the same; my politics geekery came in handy and stopped me panicking, here.
Today, in fact. One module of the two was a question we had done about three times before in class in various forms, so I just regurgitated - with, as a little aside, a bit of time spent actually questioning the validity of the question ("Why did Henry meet with so little success in his foreign policy 1509-29?"; actually given the conditions, he met with a hell of a lot of success); the other a question I really got my teeth into, examining the reasons for the American Boom in the 1920s - awesome questions for someone interested and motivated, with cross-disciplinary knowledge to bring in (laissez-faire economics from general politics knowledge for instance).
Over these three exams I've used 2 cartridges of ink, approximately; written about 20 sides of A4 total; and spent over 8 hours in an exam room. I think I've done well but all the same, I'm dashed glad its over!