May 12, 2005 03:00
Kildain lives!!! I lost my first level of Spell-Sword to the Raise Dead spell, but hey, I got my old character back. Belasco the Risen Demon is also back among the living (Gremlinkin's character). Hooray for artificers!
Now to brain some orcs and get that level back. But, that'll be two weeks from now.
I realized about 90% of my waking moments are devoted entirely to gaming. I have absolutely no life, and curiously, few regrets. I've devoted my life to gaming, and that doesn't bother me all that much.
Maybe things'll change, maybe they won't. Maybe the continental U.S. will get invaded and I'll go all Red Dawn Wolverines on the invading force's ass. Or maybe a zombie apocalypse will occur and I'll end up being humanity's last, best chance for survival. Maybe we'll get invaded by aliens and I'll be captured and experimented on, turned into a nightmarish fusion of technology and flesh; the ultimate killing machine and turn on my alien captors and single-handedly liberate the human-race like in Bionic Commando. Or maybe I'll meet a nice girl, quit my wednesday gaming groups, and start taking college classes.
All acceptable possibilities.
Though I'm leaning towards the cyborg alien one. Especially if I get a chain-gun and/or a plasma cannon grafted to me.
Both acceptable weapon grafts.
Though I'm leaning towards the chain-gun.