[shrugs and looks at the dirt again] Lots of th-th- [closes his eyes and makes a face; he hates having trouble with the easy words, but the more upset he gets, the worse they come out] things. [looks back to Ozma]
[glances at her lap and frowns; nods] Yeah. I am ff-ff [grunts and shakes his head] af-fraid that um.. Mommy said that um.. she s-s-ent a mess-sge but um.. I [shakes his head again; looks at Ozma and whispers] What if the bad man found her 'gain and made her ff-f-forget? [she's been gone too long; something bad happened, he just knows]
[wraps an arm around him] I can promise you that the badman is not going to hurt anyone again. Mel is fine and she thinks about her family all the time.
[if something was wrong, he would know. He can always tell when mommy is telling a fib; but, the bad man made Mel think she was somebody different... what if she could make Mommy and Daddy think she was all right?]
[quietly] I w-want her to be here. She has b-b-een gone too l-long. [pulls away and wipes at his cheeks when he realizes he's crying; now he's crying and his words are getting worse, which makes him mad; looks at Ozma] Why d-do... my w-w-words.. get bad when I f-feel like this?
[smiles softly] That happens to a lot of people when they're upset, it's more common than you think. [shifts to face him] What would you like to do? Go for ice cream? Go fishing? Chase chickens?
[quietly] I w-want her to be here. She has b-b-een gone too l-long. [pulls away and wipes at his cheeks when he realizes he's crying; now he's crying and his words are getting worse, which makes him mad; looks at Ozma] Why d-do... my w-w-words.. get bad when I f-feel like this?
[Tinny ambles up a moment later; sniffs and licks Ozma, then nudges Max's arm with his muzzle] Stop it, Tinny.
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