[nods] Yeah, she did, but I want to hear your side of the story. I'm not mad at you, I just hope you'll tell me why. [looks at the young boy] You can tell me anything, Max, and we'll work it out together.
[looks at the ground and frowns] I just wanted TJ to stay out of my room. [looks up at Tyler and shakes his head] I did not mean to hurt him so bad. But he never listens. [it's so frustrating, always having all four of them following him around, wanting to touch whatever he is playing with]
[nods in understanding] That's the curse of being a big brother. I remember followin' Riley 'round, probably because I was curious. I learned a lot from him, and Lulu learned a lot from me, just like Uncle Wyatt learned from Pop. [looks at the barn] Is that why you want to live with Grandma and Grandpa, to get away from them?
[stares at Tyler's boots as he talks; he's learned a lot from Tyler, but he never went into Tyler's room, and if Tyler said not to touch something, he didn't touch it]
[shrugs uncomfortably at Tyler's question, as it's not the only reason he wants to go] When I am with Grama and Grampa.. I do not have to be quiet 'cause someone is takin' a nap. And I do not have to wait to ask a q-uestion 'cause somebody needs a diaper or a bath. And nobody is cryin' and... ev-erybody at the bakery likes me and they say I am a good helper and Grama lets me help [all of the frustration welling up again, and he doesn't like the feeling in his stomach] I can never help at home 'cause Charlie is cryin' and James needs a diaper and Leora is yellin' 'cause she got in trouble for doin' magic and TJ wants to read the book I am tryin' to read and nobody can play 'cause Mel has to work, and Daddy does not feel well, and Mommy has to work, and Mama has to help Daddy and Doctor Chapel has to be at work 'cause ev-erybody is always sick and I am not 'lowed to play
( ... )
[nods again, then reaches an arm around Max and pulls him close] Bein' the oldest, while fun, does have its bad things, but Max, the main thing you have to know is that we all love you and that won't change. I know things aren't easy right now, but it gets better. Pop is feelin' better now and you helped him get better. I'm proud of you for how you took care of him. [sighs] What is it about school you don't like? I thought you liked school on the station.
[grumbles when he asks about school; huffs dramatically] Ev-erybody at the bakery says I am a good helper. Grama says I am a good helper and she teaches me to help better. So I can help her 'til I am big 'nuff to help you with the real chores. [all he can do is watch the ranchhands doing all the jobs he wants to do] I know how to help Grama and I know how to help you. My teacher is not teachin' things like that.
[most of why he's at trouble at school, right now, is because he's not listening when she's trying to teach; he's unintentionally rebelling against the frustrations at home by staring out the window or not putting the toys away when playtime ends]
Well, that's because school teaches you other things that are important, like history, science, how to solve problems...things like that. School is just as important. When the war ended here, I went back to school because there was still a lot I needed to learn. School isn't just about teaching you to be a better helper, but a better person. Do you think the people who built the first ships would have been able to do that if they didn't go to school to learn science? And what about Dr. Chapel, would she be a doctor if she didn't go to school to learn about medicine? [he hopes Max is starting to understand] Uncle Wyatt would not have been accepted to the Police Academy if he didn't go to school.
[turns slightly to face Max] I know school isn't fun all the time, but you will get out of it what you put in to it. If you listen and do your work, you will learn a lot and will probably be smarter than me. [smiles]
[shakes his head, as he hears the same from Mommy, Mel, Chapel and everybody]
[grimaces, getting a little whiny] But, Tylerrrrr.. [huffs] I try to listen. But I do not und-derstand what my teacher says. She says a lot of words I do not know. And.. [frowns] when I ask what it means.. ev-erybody laughs at me. So I do not ask and then I do not know and then I get in trouble.
[now Tyler is confused] Okay, I thought you were doin' well in school on the station. When did all this start to happen? [he's starting to wonder if the school on the station isn't going as well as he had heard, no wonder Max is frustrated]
[frowns] It is better than my school on Lay-thul. [at least his teacher is speaking the same language.. mostly]
It is for all the time I am there. [shrugs] Sometimes, I do not have to ask.. and sometimes I ask Mommy after and she tells me what it means and I know then what it means. And then, when I am at school, I 'member what Mommy say-id and I still know. [the one-on-one sessions with his homework have been the easiest, because his family will explain things in a way he understands]
[grabs Tyler's hand] Tyler, please do not tell Mommy and Mel that I am stupid. I do not want them to be more mad.
[lifts Max so he can sit on his lap] Max, you are not stupid. Obviously, you're frustrated and not tellin' them will make it worse for you. You know, I think that if you...we...explain to them what is goin' on they'll have a better understandin' of why you pushed TJ. And maybe they won't be so mad at you. Don't be afraid to talk to your parents 'bout what you're goin' through; they can't help you if you don't talk to them.
[holds Tyler's hands as he's lifted; watches Tyler as he speaks, nodding and shaking his head in agreement, though he's not sure how to tell them what he feels]
[shrugs uncomfortably at Tyler's question, as it's not the only reason he wants to go] When I am with Grama and Grampa.. I do not have to be quiet 'cause someone is takin' a nap. And I do not have to wait to ask a q-uestion 'cause somebody needs a diaper or a bath. And nobody is cryin' and... ev-erybody at the bakery likes me and they say I am a good helper and Grama lets me help [all of the frustration welling up again, and he doesn't like the feeling in his stomach] I can never help at home 'cause Charlie is cryin' and James needs a diaper and Leora is yellin' 'cause she got in trouble for doin' magic and TJ wants to read the book I am tryin' to read and nobody can play 'cause Mel has to work, and Daddy does not feel well, and Mommy has to work, and Mama has to help Daddy and Doctor Chapel has to be at work 'cause ev-erybody is always sick and I am not 'lowed to play ( ... )
[most of why he's at trouble at school, right now, is because he's not listening when she's trying to teach; he's unintentionally rebelling against the frustrations at home by staring out the window or not putting the toys away when playtime ends]
[turns slightly to face Max] I know school isn't fun all the time, but you will get out of it what you put in to it. If you listen and do your work, you will learn a lot and will probably be smarter than me. [smiles]
[grimaces, getting a little whiny] But, Tylerrrrr.. [huffs] I try to listen. But I do not und-derstand what my teacher says. She says a lot of words I do not know. And.. [frowns] when I ask what it means.. ev-erybody laughs at me. So I do not ask and then I do not know and then I get in trouble.
It is for all the time I am there. [shrugs] Sometimes, I do not have to ask.. and sometimes I ask Mommy after and she tells me what it means and I know then what it means. And then, when I am at school, I 'member what Mommy say-id and I still know. [the one-on-one sessions with his homework have been the easiest, because his family will explain things in a way he understands]
[grabs Tyler's hand] Tyler, please do not tell Mommy and Mel that I am stupid. I do not want them to be more mad.
[sighs] You are a better Jeb than I am, Tyler.
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