[glances at Max, who's lower lip may fall off] No, he's helping. But, [glances at Tyler, though she's talking to Max] he doesn't get to have fun today. Today, he works.
[she knows that Max's chores aren't that difficult, but it's the only thing she and El could come up with as a punishment, until they sat down with Garrett and Rebecca]
[watched Max as he walks away] He was packing a bag yesterday, and saying he was moving to Grama and Grampa's forever. [makes a face and shrugs] Then TJ came in, looking for him, and Max just.. [shakes her head] He yelled at TJ and then just.. shoved him out into the hall. [raises a hand] Teej is okay. [nods after Max] I think he was more afraid than TJ was. [gives Tyler a forced smile] I don't know what's going on with that kid. He's in trouble at school, he's fighting at home. [takes a breath] All I do know is that he did not mean to hurt TJ.
[she knows that Max's chores aren't that difficult, but it's the only thing she and El could come up with as a punishment, until they sat down with Garrett and Rebecca]
[glances at the ground and shakes her head] This isn't him.
[shakes his head] No, it isn't. [nods] We'll figure this out.
[walks towards the barn]
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