Character Intro!

Jan 09, 2011 11:55

Finally getting to introducing El'Ari here. :) (Well, OK, at least 2 of you know who she is. LOL)

ETA: a more complete bio. :p

El'Ari Brooks-Donovan is an TM!AU/OC character.

El'Ari Jean Brooks was born on the planet Celcia in the 24th century. Celcia is the name of the Planet that the OZ is a part of. She was born on the opposite side of the world in a country known as Quayl. Once the people of the known OZ discover the other countries beyond the Nonestic Ocean, the entire world of Celcia becomes known to her residents as OZ. An uneasy peace settled over the two halves of the planet after many land disputes and wars. The scourge known as the Longcoats spread far and wide over the entire planet, giving both halves a common enemy to fight.

El was orphaned at age 5 when she witnessed her parents' murders at the hands of Longcoats. She lived on the streets and on her own until about age 9 when she was "adopted" by the Madame of a local "establishment" in the Sin District of Eastern City (also known as the Amethyst City for it's purple hue and gems). She lived and did odd jobs (not that one!) for the girls until she left for College. In college she studied and earned her Space pilot's license, fulfilling her dream of being able to leave Celcia and explore other worlds.

During her college years (most spent in detention) she met a hot Librarian named LizAdora. Eventually the two fell in love, but not before some drama. Finding out the woman she was in love with is a 300 year old immortal was a little eye opening. They finally married and settled into a happy and content life. 5 years into their marriage El fell head over heels for Trey Donovan. She brought him home and eventually LizAdora, now known as Audree fell for him too and the three were married on his home planet of Laethriel.

Ten years into their marriage with Trey, a devastating quake destroyed much of Celcia. A brutal plague then ravaged the survivors and in the end over 60% of the planet's population, including all of the children and most of the elders was lost. Dree sent Trey, El and their close friend Dr. Chapel Barnes off the planet to bring medical supplies from other worlds. (and in Dree's mind, to keep them safe and away from the plague) With the help of Dree, Chapel eventually found a cure and vaccine for the plague. Once the plague was completely eradicated, they evacuated the survivors onto their Starship to find a new home world. Because the Royal family succumbed to the plague, the Celcian refugees asked Dree to be their Queen. Though she did not want the title, Dree could not refuse and became their Queen. After five years of living on the starship, the Celcian refugees found a home on Laethriel.

One year ago, the witch/sorceress escaped from her cave on the abandoned planet of Celcia. She was able to get into El's mind via a bracelet given to her by a man named, unoriginally, John Smith Jr. Soon, Dree, El, Trey, and El's lover at the time, Gaufri Seward, went to the planet to deal with the witch. Audree's reason for immortality is to guard the Mystic Man and the Ozians/Celcians from the witch, and the rest were not going to let her go alone. They arrived on the planet and Gaufri was immediately taken over by the spirit (immortal or otherwise) of Zero. He betrayed El in the worst way, and tossed her to a tribe of Longcoats, who spent 24 hours abusing her, and then put her in an ancient iron suit.

El was rescued by Garrett Cain and Wyatt (Moody) Cain, who had followed Dree, El, Trey and Gauf to the planet. It was in the Medical Bay of Gaufri's ship, that the witch completely took over El's mind. She escaped in a shuttle and went down to the planet. She went into the cave where the witch and "Zero" were holding Dree and Trey captive but, by then, then the witch had killed Trey. The witch fully took over El, but not before El shot "Zero" in a rather appropriate place.

Wyatt and Garrett followed El to the planet, stumbled into the cave, and were taken prisoner themselves by the "witched" El. In order to save them all, Dree killed El and used Garrett's emerald to trap the witch. Ozma took the Emerald to the Gods residence and entrapped the witch into her own crystal ball. Back on the ship, El revived to learn that her wish to be immortal, so Dree would never be lonely again, was granted when she sacrificed her life to trap the witch once and for all.

El is firmly bi-sexual and non-monogamous, however, once she commits fully to her partners, she will only take other lovers when there is a deep emotional connection, and she rarely has more than three lovers at a time. El is married to Adora "Audree" Elizabeth Springer Cain Brooks-Donovan and Trey Donovan, their late husband. They have three children. Dree gave birth to Max Donovan. Max is 5. El gave birth to twins, Trey Justin (TJ) Brooks-Donovan and Leora Caitlyn Brooks-Cain. The twins are 6 months old. El is in a committed relationship with Garrett and Rebecca Cain. Garrett is Leora's biological father. (Trey is TJs biological father-El learned she was pregnant just days after Trey was killed.)

clan: brooks-donovan, family, post-series, clan: cain

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