(no subject)

Feb 16, 2003 19:40

a few of my favorite websites that i visit regualarly anyomre are
livejournal.com/users/imbasire or livejournal.com/users/ozmodiar/firends
www.incubusonline.com -> only recently i've started to check it again, i really hope they stop sucking with thier next album
www.ucomics.com and go to calvin and hobbes
and Get Fuzzy (i don't know the url just type "get fuzzy" into google and clickon the first link)
then a little less often i visit galaktika.diaryland.com but it's very good
i want to confess that sometimes i'll visit strangejournal.com but won't read it... it's always very good i'm just to lazy to read, that goes for a lot of the journals i visit, imbasires is about the only one i read whenever it's posted. memepool has a bunch of cool links to every consceivalbe stripe of website from the benine to the mundane. i also visit ron's house, but tha'ts in my "real" "life."
www.allmusic.com (for reference and all kinds of interesting information)
when i can remember, the miami herald website (i type in herald into google and click the first link, there i read the dave berry column)
I'll sometimes jump rope when it gets hard for me to breath. I foudn that activity makes it easier for me to get a full breath of air, so when it get to shallow i force my self into physical activity, although sometimes i push myself to physical activity for revenge just to outright punish my body so that i can happily pass out, i think my body is trying to tell me. I'm going to go skip rope, i'll be back.

6:16 pm (still...) ahhhhhhhhhh, fresh air. But if i go too long when i play basketaball or soemthing then i can't stop caughing afterwards and it's somewhat painful, though tolerable, bearable... let's just say uncomfortable, discomfortable to breath. I hope to get health insurance soon. I already got the new roots cd, i just plumb forgot to mention how absolutely fucking spactacular it was, perhaps pratly due to my elation of absolute fucking spactacularity of said album.

____This ineruption is brought to you by Tony______________________________________________________________
Gdogfunkyfresh: "i regret the time i got realy stoned and wrote a hit song that earned me a lot of coin."
hailos: hahaha
hailos: i'm so fucking bored right now
hailos: and football is frustrating me
Gdogfunkyfresh: and the hudicorn creature
hailos: its like everything that can possibly go wrong does
Gdogfunkyfresh: what's wrong with footbal
Gdogfunkyfresh: i'm bored too i think
Gdogfunkyfresh: although it's getting harder and harder to tell the difference
hailos: like my guys jumping offsides on a big... BIG 3rd and 3
Gdogfunkyfresh: but i think updating my journal is a tell-tale sign.
hailos: holding penalties on big play after big play
hailos: ugh
hailos: i think i am going to play again and try to completly lose my mind
Gdogfunkyfresh: for a worty cause though
Gdogfunkyfresh: if you loose it, at least you'll be a marter
______Back to your sporadicly scheduled update_________________________________

i lost control of the car today and got intimate with the aptly titled guardrail... it certainly was a rail... it certainly does look rail-like... one long stretching rail...THAT GUARDS. and it's stupid-proof. I was basicly going to fast into a turn and slid and managed to regain enough control to guide myself directly into my guardrail friend. I'm fine, I weep for car... she hurts she hurts, head on collision but at least the airbags stayed in place, that'll save me some coin.

I really like the new ausioslave song, like a stone... love the guitar, love the sining, love the melody... impartial to the name.

I love snowboarding. It's very relaxing on the mind. For the time you're going down the mountain i'm only concentrating one thing, one simple thing, survival, very primitive, very relaxing. It's nice to have that kind of escape where afterwards you're mind is at ease. You're totaly in the moment and just enjoying the flow... and nothing else matters. I'd like to keep doing it. I'd like to make it a steadfast hobby, but i guess that's what hobbies are, steadfast persuits of a somthing. I need a job, if you can, hire me. If you know someone who knows someone or whatever who might hire me, spill and pimp, you'll be rewarded, you know how generous i can be... and if not ask the NYPD.

So it's snowing, heavely. heavely snowing. heavenly snowing. girthy snow. snow torent. that keeps everyoen at their respective domeciles, and i wouldn't drive today anyway, even if i had some place to go. which actualy means Ron's house, where everyoen knows my name. I'd also like to publicly thank the R-man, the R^3, for picking me up from the scene of the accident and safely chaufering (how do you spell it? i meant drive anyway, not something dirty) me home.

Everyoen shoudl check out strangejouranl.com the guy is an amazing writer, in my humble opinion. and for those of you that know my friends know i have excellent taste in people, and i'm sure there's a way to say that with fever sexual conotations.

this concludes this journal entry for today.

I should proofread, i know.
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