Mar 08, 2006 23:05
headFULLArocks: o....wanna hear something...
sighlertehsux: what
headFULLArocks: before i left work, bob, who i work with and is 43 said, "no youre not" when i said i was leaving for the day
headFULLArocks: he grabbed his phone
headFULLArocks: and showed me some pics he took at "da bar" over "da weekend"
headFULLArocks: first one i didnt know what it was
headFULLArocks: next one...yep.
headFULLArocks: a boob
sighlertehsux: L0L
headFULLArocks: 10 were a series of one girl sucking "da one girls tit." then there were more of "da other girl sucking da other girls tit"
headFULLArocks: so....i guess girls do that in bars now
sighlertehsux: omggg
headFULLArocks: yeah
sighlertehsux: thats nasty!
headFULLArocks: i felt awkward cuz thats just..not me
sighlertehsux: yeah
headFULLArocks: but...i found it a little sad. and kinda funny
headFULLArocks: bob said the one girl whipped her boob out and the other girl...well sucked her nipple.
headFULLArocks: then it was over and bob said, "you gonna stand for that? her being selfish? make her suck YOUR tit!"
headFULLArocks: then i guess she did
sighlertehsux: wow
headFULLArocks: yeah
headFULLArocks: so since youll be supervising salads at a out for boob sucking and middle aged men who're unhappily married with camera phones
sighlertehsux: hahaha
sighlertehsux: i will!