Lost Fic: Abbot Always Finds Costello in the End

Apr 26, 2010 21:41

Title: Abbot Always Finds Costello in the End
Characters: Charlie, Hurley
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Through “Everybody Loves Hugo”.
Summary: Charlie finds his other island love.
A/N: Written for lost_in_108 prompt #30 “reunion”.

Charlie’s humming under his breath, walking without looking, still dreaming of blonde hair and love, sweet love. He gets that song now...

Then bam---he hits a brick wall. He stumbles and a hand reaches out to catch him.

“Why don’t you watch---“

“Sorry, Dude.”

The sound of the guy’s voice hits Charlie and then there it is again---this love, this overwhelming peace, and he starts laughing because this feeling is better than any high he’s ever been on.

He grins and the big guy’s staring at him like he’s a nutter.

“Hey Hurley,” Charlie says without thinking.

Wordlessly, Hurley pulls Charlie into a bone-crushing hug.

fic: hurley, fic: charlie, lost_in_108, fic:lost

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