Oh God, how am I already going crazy over this? Oh right because fandom is already making bad choices. Listen universe when you are asked to choose between voting for a panty sniffing bad poetry writing attempted rapist and Buffy freaking Summers you vote Buffy. How hard is that? Or you vote Cordy. Or Fred. Or Willow. Or Dawnie. Or if you must vote penis, vote Oz or Charles Gunn or Xander Harris or Rupert Giles or anyone who is not a panty sniffing bad poetry writing attempted rapist. Damn it Spike, you are not winning this.
Also? Barney Stinson. Seriously? Seriously? He picked up a girl right in front of his ex the day after they broke up. He used her to pick someone else up. This is not cute. This is not adorable behavior. This is asshatery. This is gross. This is wrong. Don’t vote for this guy. There are four other people on this show who are actually legen-yes I’m using his own catchphrase against him-dary. A vote for them is a vote against an immature douche bag. A vote for them will save a puppy. A vote for them might very well save the world. Do it.
And finally: Sawyer is winning by one vote. Sawyer is not undeserving, he’s a good guy. Hell, I like him. But Sawyer doesn’t want you to vote for him. When you vote for him you ruin his street cred. He doesn’t like to be liked, he doesn’t respond well to it (see faked kidnapping/gun snatching plotline that went nowhere).
Sawyer wants you to vote for Juliet. The woman he loved, the woman that made him a real boy. He wants you to vote for the woman who always had his back. Who detonated an H-bomb because she thought it would get him home. The woman who faced the smoke monster and didn’t blink. Who will make you sandwiches with toothpicks. The woman who eats ice-cream after sex and will perform an emergency appendectomy to save your life. The woman who listens to “Downtown” and reads Stephen King novels and speaks Latin and is made of awesomeness and rainbows.
The woman who made him happy.
Remember that fandom. A vote for Juliet will knock that emo-frown right off Sawyer’s face. And I know you all want him to be happy, right?
Oh and in the SPN race, vote Bela. Just because.