I wasn’t going to do a list of romantic moments…I honestly didn’t think I could come up with fifteen. But then I thought about it…and thought about it some more and managed to come up with sixteen scenes that made me cry/wibble/aww/and squee like a love-struck fangirl.
At the end of the day, romance on Lost that doesn’t involve Des/Penny or Sawyer/Juliet has rarely worked for me. I think I’ve said this before but my all time favorite “relationship” is the friendship between Charlie and Hurley. Still, there have been moments when I’ve been charmed by pretty much every major couple on the show. While I’m admitting up front that this list is far more biased than any of the others, every corner of the quadrangle is represented at least once. So, there’s that. Clips/links provided…and can I just say how much easier it is to find shippy moments? Youtube is for lovers I guess.
16 Times Lost Made My Cynical Heart Melt into a Puddle of Romantic Goo
1.The Phone Call/Reunion on The Searcher
There are good scenes and great scenes and then there is Desmond calling Penny on Christmas Eve after going three years without so much as hearing her voice. There is a reason why “The Constant” topped every best episode list of ’08, why the latest Captain America comic completely ripped the storyline off--- because the emotion in this episode, hell in the Penny/Des relationship as a whole, never rings false. Of all the relationships on Lost theirs is the one that is the beating heart of the show.
Equally stunning is watching Desmond scale the side of a boat to get to the woman he loves. Romantic isn’t a strong enough word for these two. So I’m going to go with EPIC instead. And yes the caps are completely necessary.
Phone Call Click to view
2.Imaginary Peanut Butter
Six years later and this scene still makes me dissolve into a gooey puddle of squee. I watched it today and started crying because I am lame and Charlie Pace is the most amazing guy in the history of anything. Imaginary peanut butter people. Nothing tops that.
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3.Rose/Bernard and Jin/Sun reunite at the end of “Collision”
Because Rose never stopped believing Bernard was alive. Because Sun and Jin were still a little rocky when he left. Because I am not made of stone.
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4.Two Weeks…Three Years
Joss Whedon once said, “Give the audience what they need, not what they want.” And in today’s age of showrunners obsessively trying to please fans and diluting their stories in the process it’s rare to find writers with the guts to do their own thing, audience be damned.
I never wanted Sawyer/Juliet before season five. I loved Juliet; I liked Sawyer---but a relationship? Eh. But then Darlton gave them to me and as it turned out they were exactly what I needed. Emotionally no other couple on Lost resonates with me like this one. And this scene goes a long way in explaining why.
Here we see two people who just went through a bizarre, sometimes hellish experience together. Before this they barely knew one another, they certainly didn’t trust each other, but in order to get through this they’re forced to stand together, as the two in a position of leadership they really only have each other to lean on.
So when they come out on the other side and he asks her to give him two weeks? That’s a big frakking deal. He needs her and she stays. And then the title card happened. And it’s three years later and Sawyer’s a real, complete man and he believes in her enough to make her believe in herself and it’s so damn beautiful it makes my heart ache.
So no I didn’t want Sawyer/Juliet, but having them happen made an already terrific viewing experience richer than I ever imagined it could be---so I say thank God Darlton doesn’t give a damn what we think.
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5.“I will come back here for you.”
Oh, Jack/Kate. I’ve gone back and forth over these two almost as much as Kate has, but this scene is so raw and beautifully acted I can’t help but love it. When he comes back and whispers “I will come back here for you” I melt.
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6.“Because I’m in love with the woman sitting next to me.”
Normally I wouldn’t buy this line coming from a guy who’s known a girl for all of a month, but given that the guy was Daniel Faraday I don’t doubt it for a second. These two are so sweet and tragic, it’s damn near impossible not to love them.
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7.Sawyer jumps from the helicopter.
Of all the Sawyer/Kate scenes it’s this one that makes me believe he loves her and that maybe she really loves him back. It’s a sacrifice, an acceptance that they would never really work, and whatever you feel about them it’s one hell of a kiss.
The Jump 8.Sayid shoots himself in the leg.
Oh Sayid, only you could make a self-inflicted gun wound romantic. The reason why I’m charmed by Sayid/Nadia is mostly because of this scene. In a way she made him fight for his humanity and ultimately her death would make him lose it for good. This is such a turning point for Sayid, the exact moment when he decided to turn away from a life of torture and pain. Sadly for him, it doesn’t look like he’ll ever fully escape.
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9.The Aloe scene.
When I saw this scene I thought for sure I had found my first true Lost ship. Then it became apparent J/J was never really going to go anywhere, but that doesn’t cheapen this lovely moment. Jack’s so tender and Juliet’s trying so hard to be strong. In an otherwise disposable episode, this is a pretty remarkable scene.
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10.Libby talks Hurley down from the cliff.
I loathe “Dave” with a passion, but seeing Libby tell Hurley she likes him made it all worth it. I never really shipped them (Libby creeped me out a little), but Hurley loved her and more than that I believed that he loved her.
True fact: Realistically speaking, Hurley’s damn near the only guy on that island I would consider dating.
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11.Jack teaches Kate to count to five. Makes sure she didn’t forget how.
Their first moment together before Sawyer, Others, monsters, lies, and survivor’s guilt made everything so messy is still one of my favorite Lost scenes. He was just a guy with a gaping side wound and she was the girl who sewed him up.
The call back two seasons later in contrast is the very definition of messy. It’s brimming with emotion and when he tells her never to come back for him I swear it hurts me just as much as it hurts her.
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12.Shannon sings La Mer.
I went back and forth on which Sayid/Shannon moment to include. I briefly considered his rain soaked declaration of love or the kiss goodbye in “Numbers” but ultimately I settled on Shannon singing. I’m pretty sure this is the exact moment he fell for her. Just look at his face. That’s a smitten man if I’ve ever seen one.
Bonus: It also includes Kate staring sadly at her toy plane, and all the Sawyer/Kate, Jack/Kate arguments in the world aren’t going to convince me she doesn’t love Tom the best. Of course that could be my best friends kink talking.
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13.“Close Your Eyes, Freckles.”
He was willing to die for her and she was pleading like hell for him to stand. And there’s rain. Rain makes everything three times more romantic than it would be normally.
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14.Jin says “I love you” in English.
I’ve never been terribly enthralled by Jin/Sun probably because I can’t seem to forget what a controlling ass Jin was in the beginning, but little moments like this make me understand why Sun stays. Marriage is tough, or so I’m told, and these two have had to work awfully hard to keep it together.
This scene feels so earned, if that makes any sense. They do love each other despite all of the crap they’ve been through. It just took a plane crash and a couple of months on a wacky island to remind them.
*starts at 1:33
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15.“We won’t ever leave, Rose.”
This doesn’t need an explanation. He tells her they will never leave. I’m pretty sure that’s what real love looks like. Plus, they use a Redding song in the background. You only break out the Redding when you mean serious business.
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16.Sayid kisses Kate’s hand.
Damn it Kate, six years I’ve watched you waffle between Sawyer and Jack. And I get it. Neither of them is my idea of the perfect guy either. But Sayid is right there! And he kissed your hand before honorably marching off into the distance. I just…did that not give you goose bumps, woman?
Ahem. Yeah, I’m still not sure how she could resist him after that. That’s old school romance at its finest. I am not a strong woman. I would have run after him. And possibly tackled him. But that’s just me.
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