Five Acts Round 7

Nov 28, 2012 23:51

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five acts '12

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Who needs poetry in a love song (Justified, Raylan/Tim) linndechir November 29 2012, 23:43:09 UTC
Who needs poetry in a love song (Justified, Raylan/Tim, Grand Romantic Gestures and a not quite so Big Damn Kiss)
I tried my best to make this fit with the tropes, but Tim is kind of terrible at being romantic and small romantic gestures are already a huge deal for him. Also, I might be back to write more for you because I love this ship. I hope you like it.Raylan listens intently as Tim's breathing slows down, one arm still wrapped around Tim's body, the other in his messy hair. Tim is heavy on top of him, but Raylan enjoys the warmth and the closeness for as long as it lasts, knows that it won't be long before Tim rolls off him and turns his back, and that's usually Raylan's clue to leave. It's not that Tim's a jerk - he doesn't mind Raylan sleeping on the couch, and he cooks a wicked breakfast in the morning - it's just that he's a shitty sleeper who doesn't like having people in his bed. Always has been, he says, though Raylan is pretty sure that two tours in Afghanistan had a hand in sending Tim wandering through his apartment in ( ... )


Re: Who needs poetry in a love song (Justified, Raylan/Tim) ozmissage November 30 2012, 18:44:24 UTC
AWWW. <333 Okay, see this is exactly how I like my grand romantic gestures: they only need to be epic for the person doing them and for Tim, I totally believe that admitting that he wants Raylan to stay with him is a huge deal. I love how sweet and understated this was, the tone completely captured everything I adore about this ship. Thank you so much!


Re: Who needs poetry in a love song (Justified, Raylan/Tim) linndechir November 30 2012, 18:54:16 UTC
I'm so happy you liked this. :D I have so much Tim and Raylan/Tim headcanon and I wasn't sure if this would work for anyone else, so I'm glad it did.


Re: Who needs poetry in a love song (Justified, Raylan/Tim) norgbelulah December 1 2012, 04:49:37 UTC
This was super lovely! The best kind of grand romantic gesture! Yay!

This isn't a ship I write a lot, but I'll read the hell out of it when done well. This was a great little fic :D


Re: Who needs poetry in a love song (Justified, Raylan/Tim) linndechir December 1 2012, 04:51:23 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. I've actually never written them before although they're one of my favourite pairings ever, but maybe I should change that. ;)


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