Title: He Was Blind, but Now He Can See
Rating: PG
Spoilers/Warnings: Up to “Cabin Fever”.
Summary: John Locke made a choice.
A/N: Written for
lost_in_108 challenge #2 "science vs. faith".
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angeldylan628 He was good at science. Gifted, they said. He could have changed the world.
That’s not how he saw it though. He was sixteen and for him it just provided the kids in his class with another excuse to shove him into his locker.
Science didn’t mean anything to him, so he gave it up.
He wasn’t a faithful man either. He couldn’t imagine that any god could take so much from someone with so little.
But then he found himself standing on an island watching flames engulf the chair that had been his prison for four years.
He was standing.
And that was reason enough to believe.