BH Fic: two boys in a backseat (george/mitchell)

Apr 24, 2011 23:53

Title: two boys in a backseat
Rating: PG
Pairing: George/Mitchell
Words: 831
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Spoilers: Pre-series, but with spoilers through the end of s3.
Summary: This is how they learned each other.
A/N: This started as a ficlet written for hopelessfangirl back in November and I decided to rescue it from that old meme, infuse it with more angst and ( Read more... )

fic: george/mitchell, fic: george, fic: being human

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Comments 22

decadentdream April 25 2011, 05:56:04 UTC
Aw nice. I could completely picture every word you wrote.


ozmissage April 27 2011, 15:19:42 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


azewewish April 25 2011, 06:13:04 UTC
I can picture this so clearly in my head, especially George's squeak of indignation & Mitchell's amused pragmatism.

Lovely job on this!!


ozmissage April 27 2011, 15:19:59 UTC
Aw, thank you! :)


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ozmissage April 27 2011, 15:21:10 UTC
Aww, thank you...and sorry about the heartbreaking, they seem to bring out my angsty side more than any other pairing. ;)


isarn April 25 2011, 13:34:40 UTC
Just perfect. I can see them both, in my head, indignant George and amused Mitchell -keep writing them like this!


ozmissage April 27 2011, 15:21:31 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :)


pinigir April 25 2011, 17:42:04 UTC
Loved it! Loved Mitchell's way of getting George to sleep.


ozmissage April 27 2011, 15:21:46 UTC
Thank you so much!


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