Dear yuletide writer:

Nov 14, 2010 00:40

Dear yuletide Santa,

Thank you so much for writing for me! I know I’m going to love whatever you write and I’m absolutely in awe of you for offering one of my tiny fandoms. In short: you rock. But I’m sure you came here looking for something a little more helpful than the impossibly vague prompts I left on my sign-up sheet.

Generally speaking, I’m an easy fangirl to please. I love gen fics (there are seriously not enough gen fics in the world), het, and slash. Angst is awesome, but I prefer it tempered with a bit of humor. That’s not to say things can’t get dark because they totally can, but a bit of gallows humor is never unwelcome. Fluff, friendship fic, adventure, comedy, romance---all cool. I’m not a big fan of things that go completely AU (Sam and Lindsay are actually working undercover for the CIA!), but if you want to tweak canon a bit (like pretending Annie and her spirit animal never existed) then by all means go for it.

I also love banter and UST between friends. Ooh and tattoos/scars! Which is probably not at all relevant information, but still it’s worth mentioning.

A few things I’m not a fan of: non-con/dub-con, PWP in general (sex is fine, but I like it to be a part of the story, not necessarily the point of it), torture, crack, and incest (in these fandoms anyway.) But anything else is fine.

So Weird

Honestly, any fic for this fandom would make me incredibly happy, but post-series Fiona getting back into the supernatural game would be awesome. If that doesn't work for you a good old-fashioned case fic or anything involving Rick (Fi and Jack searching for him, pre-series with Molly, etc.) would be wonderful.

Okay, when I said anything would make me happy, I totally meant it. There is no fic for this fandom and it breaks my heart. I adore Fiona; just absolutely love her and her strength and her overall Mulder-ness. What I would really love to see is an older Fiona, possibly one who has dropped out of college and bought that motorcycle she was talking about, roaming around the country solving creepy cases on her own. (Or with Carey, I don’t ship much in this fandom, but Carey/Fi is the closest thing I have to an OTP.)

Alternatively, something delving into the mythology of the show would be amazing. I’m completely fascinated by the pre-series relationship between Rick, Molly, and John. There was so much left unexplored there.

The only thing I’m not crazy about is the Annie arc. The character herself is fine in small doses, but the lighter tone of the final season never felt true to the series to me.

Freaks and Geeks

I would love to see a fic exploring Lindsay and Kim's summer on the road, but if that's not your thing, I'm crazy about Lindsay/Nick and Lindsay/Daniel so if you'd rather write something shippery either of those pairings would be lovely.

You can never go wrong with on the road fic and I’d love to know what the girls got up to during their summer with The Dead Heads. However, my love for this show and its characters knows no bounds so feel free to go in any direction you want. I’d be just as happy with some angsty Lindsay/Nick (or Lindsay/Daniel) fic or just a gen piece with all of the freaks killing time under the bleachers. Or if you prefer to write about the geeks go for it! I loved them too. Sam and Lindsay hanging out (or being forced to hang out by their parents) would be fun.


Seriously, anything featuring Valentine and Helena is fine with me. Feel free to make it as gen or shippery as you wish. Post-movie would be great, but it's not a must.

The dreamscape Gaiman and co. created in this movie was so atmospheric and perfect; I didn’t want to leave it once the movie was over. I honestly don’t have a preference between the “real world” or the “dream world”, they were both equally fascinating. Valentine and Helena just make my heart happy, so hook them up, send them on another adventure, have Helena tell the real!Valentine about his alternate version’s castle---anything you want.

Or if you want to write a simple character piece about Helena or Valentine that’s cool too. I just love this movie.

Corner Gas

A gen fic with the characters being their normal, wacky selves and getting into hijinks would make my day. If you'd prefer to write something romantic unrequited Lacey/Brent would be amazing or very-much requited Brent/Wanda if you'd rather.

The thing I love about this show is the way it finds interesting stories to tell about mundane things. I mean come on, Brent’s staycation? That was epic and the dude was sitting in front of the gas station in a lawn chair for the entire episode. So really, all I want is a fic about the characters doing what they do. Whether that be Lacey appalling the entire town by changing the menu or Brent and Wanda getting into an argument over how to organize the magazine rack is completely up to you.

Like I said in my prompt, if you want to go shippy with this I love pining. Especially if that pining is happening between friends, so Brent figuring out he kind of, sort of might be in love with Lacey? Awesome. Ditto Brent/Wanda.

Alright, that’s all I’ve got. Please don’t stress too much, I’m going to be thrilled with whatever you write for me. Feel free to follow your plotbunnies wherever they may lead.

And once again: Thank you! <3


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