Halloween ficlets for greedyslayer & missy_useless

Oct 30, 2010 00:22

Title: the damned things
Pairing: Juliet/Richard
Rating: R
Words: 699
Disclaimer: Not mine. Title snagged off of Ambrose Bierce.
Summary: The balance must be kept.
A/N: For greedyslayer who asked for Richard/Juliet + Lost + AU where Richard became the monster and Juliet was the Island's Protector. Happy Halloween! <3

The ground beneath her feet begins to quake and the air is charged, almost electric. It leaves the copper taste of pennies on her tongue---he’s coming.

(She still remembers the warm press of his body anchoring her to the bed, the way he traced the curve of her thigh with his fingertips, the sound of her name on his lips as he came, his body trembling, falling against hers.

A low murmur in the darkness, always the same:

I hate this place.)

She hears the roar before she sees the smoke, the swirling mess of what used to be a man. She’s stared into it before, when it was someone else. Another damned thing. She laughs bitterly, doesn’t flinch as it surrounds her. It can’t hurt her. They’re all damned things here.

(He’s dying.


He stares at her and she sees nothing but pity in his eyes. She should have looked closer. Should have known he was asking for forgiveness.

You don’t understand. Your name’s the only one left on the wall.)

“Stop this,” she hisses.

It obliges, pulling itself inwards until the smoke fades away, leaving only Richard in its wake. The corners of his lips turn upwards in a parody of a smile.

“Hello, Juliet.”

(She knows how she became the light keeper. Sometimes she walks down to the stream where it happened and runs her hands through the water, the memory of Jacob and his promises are still fresh in her mind. The world beyond this place and every person in it was depending on her.

Someone has to keep it safe, Juliet.

Yes, was the only answer she could give him.

But Richard. She doesn’t know why, she doesn’t how. She doesn’t know what offer they made him. She only knows that he has to die.)

He moves closer, his hands clasped behind his back. Everything about him is familiar, everything about him is wrong.

“The jungle’s quiet today. I’ve been down by the lighthouse. It seems Jacob made some repairs before he left. We’ll have company soon.”

She already knows. Their names are etched on the wall, her wall now. She knows their stories, their loves, their lies---knows it all as if she had lived it, as if she had been there beside them all along. More than that she knows which one will take her place one day, when the time is right.

“Tomorrow,” she says. “Maybe sooner.”

He looks up at her and for a moment she can see Richard there, barely a flicker, but Richard all the same.

“Why?” she asks. “Why did you tell that son of a bitch yes?”

(There were two names on the wall.

There’s an order to things, Richard. A balance. There are only two of you left.

You made me bring her here.

I know, and I’m sorry, but what’s done is done.

So this is my choice? Two hundred years by your side and this is what you give me? I can damn her…again, or…

You can damn yourself.)

“That’s not important. What’s done is done.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this.”

“I know.”

“One of them will kill you. It’s my job to make sure that happens.”

“It’s my job to make sure that it doesn’t,” Richard reaches out and runs his thumb lightly against her cheek. “There’s always a loophole.”

(He remembers watching her sleep, the slow and steady rise and fall of her chest a comfort in the darkness. The fears that had haunted him for so many years, the fear of death, of his sins, of hell---it all faded when he looked at her. His greatest sin; the one wrong he could never right.

She curled against him in her sleep, the only time her guard was ever really down, and he held her until the sun came up.

I’ll get you home, he whispered.

A promise she never heard.)

The humming begins again and he turns, the blackness overwhelming him as the monster takes hold. She watches until he’s gone, then she turns and heads for the lighthouse. She wants to see the ship when it comes ashore.

(I hate this place.

Me too.)

Title: Orpheus & Eurydice
Pairing: Juliet/Sam Winchester
Rating: R
Words: 620
Warnings: Spoilers for s6 of SPN.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Nothing matters anymore, not to them.
A/N: For missy_useless who requested Sam/Juliet + “The Lyre of Orpheus.” Happy Halloween! <3

“I saved the world.”

He laughs against her ear and it sounds hollow, broken. She recognizes that sound. It brings up a memory---the feel of the rock in her hand, the thud of contact reverberating up her arm before the world faded away.

“I tried to end it.”


He crawls into their bed covered in blood. She doesn’t ask where it came from, what monster he slaughtered tonight. He fucks her too hard, pins her wrists above her head so she can’t touch him. She lets him, settles for running her tongue down his neck instead.
She tastes the blood of his most recent kill---demon, monster, human. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore, not to them.


“I was in heaven.”

She can’t remember what that felt like. There was joy, maybe even peace. Then James came and woke her up, reminded her that it was all just a dream. Now there’re monsters and death and Sam. Always Sam---pushing her against the wall, desperately fumbling with the zipper on her jeans, muttering obscenities as he fucks her. He wants her to be his salvation, he begs for it afterwards when they’ve retreated to their separate corners of the bed. She doesn’t know how to tell him she can’t even save herself.

“I was in hell,” he says.


They hunt together.

“You’re a natural,” he says with something like pride in his eyes.

She looks down at the body at her feet and doesn’t disagree. She knows why he loves this. Why he comes back to the hotel room all wound up after a good hunt. It makes him feel. Adrenaline, endorphins---it’s a chemical reaction. The doctor in her knows this. It’s not real.

But it’s close, so she lets him have this, lets them both have it.


“I have a brother,” he says.

Juliet looks up from the map.

“Dean. My big brother. He…we used to do this together.”

She nods.

“Does he know you’re back?”

Sam’s silence is all the answer that she needs. Juliet turns back to the map.

“I have a sister.”


They’re covered in blood and ash. It’s under their nails, in their hair. A whole family of shapeshifters gone in minutes, the house burned to the ground around them. He kisses her greedily, walks her backwards towards the bed.

The sheets will stain, she thinks, as Sam leaves a crimson handprint on her thigh.


“I have to go.”

Her bag is already packed. She left her gun on the nightstand. Sam doesn’t react, just sits on the corner of the bed. He smiles evenly as if she’s said she’s going out to get some milk. In that moment, she sees the innocence in him, remembers the innocence that was once in her, a very long time ago. The people they used to be. She wishes she had met that boy. She wishes he had met that girl.

She kneels down beside him, her hands resting on his knees.

“Sam, listen to me. Something isn’t right in us. Something’s missing and if I stay, if I stay we’ll never find it. We won’t have a reason to. And we’ll just keep falling. I don’t want that, not for me and certainly not for you.”

He looks away and Juliet sighs. She pushes herself to her feet and bends down to press a kiss against his shaggy head of hair. She makes it to the door before he speaks.

“I want you to stay.”


She leaves, she leaves and she never goes back, but after months of feeling nothing, she feels the barest flicker of something every time she thinks of Sam Winchester.

She hopes he’s okay.

fic: sam, fic: juliet, fic:lost, fic: spn, fic: richard, fic: sam/juliet, fic: juliet/richard, i heart halloween

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