Feb 11, 2006 00:39
ok. listen up. the world is not perfect, and everybody knows this. there are many things in this world that need to be changed, and there are lots of good things. a lot of these good things came about because someone had the nerve to change something that they believed to be wrong. if you are a person who believes that you are one person and one person can't change anything, then you are wrong, because one person can change a whole fucking lot. if everyone believed that they couldn't do anything, then nothing would ever get done. even if you don't believe anything will come of it, do it do it do it! there are things that need to be changed and everyone has as much capacity and ability to change as any other person. if you can't donate a dollar to help somebody else out, then there is something wrong. i know we all value money, and i know that money is good and some of us really need it, but if we can buy useless crap all the time, then we certainly have the ability to help someone else out. and every little bit counts, and i know that's fucking cliche, but there's a reason why things are overused sometimes, it's because they're so true. if we can't devote our money, then we can devote our time. we all have something to give. write a letter to a senator, and YES they read the letters we send, or volunteer somewhere where they could really use the help. have a conviction and be true to it. if you believe something, then please follow it until you can't do anything else. don't stand by and watch things happen, make things happen. if something happens that you honestly believe is not right, speak out against it. and if it gets shot down, then it gets shot down but you never know until you try, and how can you live with yourself knowing that YOU had a chance to make a difference and you didn't take the chance because you were too lazy or skeptical. i hate it when people call themselves realists, because another name for a realist is a pessimist. how can we know what is and isn't a possible reality? we need to keep past experiences in mind so we don't make the same mistakes, but we can't rely on past experiences because they can't help us today, when everything could change. if we let everyone do what they want, then everyone will act like everyone else. and that is not who we are, we are our own people with our own beliefs and we need to take these beliefs that we have and let the world know.