Title: Enigma
Pairing: George/Luna
Summary: George wonders why his new wife seems so distant
Word Count: 361
Rating: R for mild sexual content
Written for
misselisha on her birthday and as a thank you for the quick beta work this weekend.
“What do you want to do today, Luna?” George traced the line of her spine with his finger, wondering why she seemed a little distant on this day of all days.
“Hmmm…” she said. “I don’t know. What would you like to do?”
Sliding his arms around her waist, he pulled her close until she was nestled against him and he could easily kiss her shoulder.
Luna laughed. “Again?” she said, wiggling her backside against his groin.
He was relieved to hear her laugh, though he really had only intended to reassure himself that she wasn’t mad at him, or worse yet, regretting the step they had taken. “Well, if you insist,” he said, but added, “actually I was thinking of a picnic.”
“Outdoor sex, hmm?” she said, wriggling again. “I always suspected that’d be your cup of tea.”
With a laugh, he nipped at her ear playfully. “Well, to be fair, we did all our snogging outdoors because you promised your dad not to come to my place alone, didn’t you? Anyway, we could go anywhere you like, pack a basket, maybe even do some flying together.”
Luna turned in his arms, facing him and kissing his forehead. “I love flying with you, George. But I’m not quite sure that I should be doing it anymore.”
George felt like he’d been stabbed in the heart. “Luna, what’s wrong? You haven’t changed your mind, have you? I mean…”
But Luna blithely went on as if he hadn’t spoken. “But, a picnic sounds lovely. I’ll just get up and pack us a lunch. I know we have ice cream left over from the wedding, but I’m not quite sure there are any pickles to be had.”
She stood up, and George took a moment to admire her completely unabashed nudity before her words registered. “Pickles and ice cream? Why do we need…”
“Mum and I had one of our chats last night while I was sleeping,” she called out from the other room. “She said I’d have all sorts of strange cravings. She also warned me to stay off broomsticks and told me to tell you that our daughter will be lovely.”