Albion’s bicentennial mural debuts

Oct 02, 2016 14:45

Here are some photos from last week’s introduction of the Albion Bicentennial Mural, part of the year-long celebration of Indiana’s 200th anniversary. There was a good crowd there on a dreary day, which included an appearance by the Bicentennial Torch that’s been touring around. Oh, and it’s also the Bison-tennial:

Bison-tennial! Get it? Never mind.
The mural was designed by Wolf Lake resident Daniel McDonald, an art major in his junior year at the University of Saint Francis. Here’s an appreciative crowd just after the unveiling of the mural, which graces the south side of the Noble County Economic Development Corporations building-which we old timers tend to call the old Albion Town Hall.

It’s very cool. Here’s a closer look, which is a bit out of perspective because it’s tall and I’m not as tall as I used to be. There are now two murals on this block-the same block that includes an antique store and the Noble Art Gallery building. It’s an art block!

The home at top right was that of Gene Stratton-Porter, one of Indiana’s more famous authors. And yes, I have three books involving Indiana history, but my home is two blocks further south … I won’t count until we expand it to be an art neighborhood.

bicentennial, albion, art, indiana

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