Sleep Is For the Weak. I'm the Weak.

Aug 22, 2015 15:45

We’re putting in a stressful weekend, with Emily and I both working all the way through, and me putting in some overtime … there’s already sleep deprivation going on.

Maybe it’s best to keep busy, since book launching time is always stressful for me. I’m curious about how many people will take advantage of the pre-release sale on the Amazon and Barnes & Noble websites … it takes from my income, but at this point I’d still rather sell more books then make more money. (Although both would be nice.) I’m glad Emily noticed the price reduction; just wish I’d found out about it earlier.

I think Monday I’ll sleep for about 16 hours straight. Well, it’s a nice thought, but for now-back to caffeine.

You are getting sleepy. Sleepy .....

images of america: albion and noble coun, emily, book release, amazon

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