I was too busy most of the time to take a lot of photos at Charis' and Vince's wedding, but here are a few snapshots Emily and I took along the way:
This is just me and Emily at the reception. I wonder if the twins thought I was Mr. Conductor? Usually my dress uniform is a bit fancier than this; my badge and other "hardware" turned up missing, and it wasn't until we were on the way over that I realized they were on my less formal class "B" uniform. Who'd have thought a spare badge would come in handy?
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c97/ozma914/Family/Charis%20and%20Vince%20wedding%2011-12-11/MarkandEmiatChariswedding.jpg The first dance ...
Emily took this one, and had a lot of trouble in the low light getting something from a distance. Right after this my grandson Brayden ran up and started screaming at us, apparently unhappy that Mom wasn't giving him enough attention, so the rest of the dance involved three dancers.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c97/ozma914/Family/Charis%20and%20Vince%20wedding%2011-12-11/CharisandMarkdance.jpg The DJ is a professional air personality who goes by Chris Cage ... but he's also my brother-in-law, which makes these three helpers my nieces and nephews. They lost their home to fire a few months ago, but it's being rebuilt and everyone's doing fine. Christian (on the right) is wearing a shirt that came all the way from England, courtesy my good LJ friend
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c97/ozma914/Family/Charis%20and%20Vince%20wedding%2011-12-11/PennyskidsatChariswedding.jpg Family! That's Emily with my brother, mother, and step-father, and standing in the background is my chocolate brother Martin. Hey, that's what we call him. My grandmother is in the back table, to the right.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c97/ozma914/Family/Charis%20and%20Vince%20wedding%2011-12-11/familyatChariswedding.jpg The Groom's family! Emily and I were a bit occupied when the photo of the bride's family was taken.