Dimming Hopes: A Veil Of Clouds Might Shroud the Eclipse

Apr 04, 2024 17:47

 I'm a huge astronomy geek. The only way I could get more excited about the upcoming solar eclipse would be if it caused chocolate to fall from the sky ( Read more... )

eclipse, moon, weather, science, astronomy, travel, weather sucks, indiana weather, indiana

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Comments 16

cornerofmadness April 5 2024, 03:11:26 UTC
Way it's raining here I'll be looking while floating down the Ohio while it's still raining


ozma914 April 5 2024, 03:49:56 UTC
That's one way to do it ... water's a little cold this time of year, though.


cornerofmadness April 6 2024, 03:52:04 UTC
definitely is but several towns around me are no evacuated (I'm fine though)


ozma914 April 7 2024, 13:27:50 UTC
I've been watching your weather. Well, I've been watching everyone's weather--we've been really lucky here in northeast Indiana. So far.


kazzy_cee April 5 2024, 06:46:11 UTC
We have only seen partial eclipses here but we did see one where the birds all stopped singing when my kids were younger. We made a reflecting table so we could watch it safely in the garden. It was awesome.


ozma914 April 7 2024, 13:28:43 UTC
I'm sure there are plenty of partial eclipses to come!


elizalavelle April 5 2024, 17:05:06 UTC
Where I live I get a 99% eclipse. The nearby areas are predicted to be insane crowds for the eclipse and while it would be fantastic to experience I don't want to experience the crowds that go along with the phenomenon.

Clouds are predicted where I am so we'll see how it goes. Could be interesting or could just be an afternoon off from work.

Have a great time and I hope the traffic, crowds and clouds cooperate for you!


ozma914 April 7 2024, 13:29:26 UTC
Thanks, and boy, I sure hope it goes okay. I'm getting increasingly worried about the traffic and crowds, myself.


elizalavelle April 7 2024, 15:34:08 UTC
You have a good head on your shoulders. Watch out for the idiots and you'll be fine :)


ozma914 April 8 2024, 02:02:12 UTC
Hopefully the idiots won't take my head off my shoulders!


gerges2022 April 6 2024, 21:14:10 UTC

... )


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