NaNoWriMo Winner!

Nov 26, 2022 16:00

Yes, I've won National Novel Writing Month! 50,000 words of a novel over, in my case, 25 days.
What's my reward? Well, bragging rights. Also, I get a novel out of it, and
that's no small thing. 99% of all people who attempt to write a novel
agree it's horribly difficult to get it finished. The other 1% are
friggin' freaks of nature.

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authors, writing fiction, national novel writing month, writing process, genre writing, writing, romance writing, writing community, novels, nanowrimo, fiction writing, novel

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Comments 5

cornerofmadness November 27 2022, 03:32:57 UTC
Congrats. I'm sure you can find another 5K in that story on the rewrite


ozma914 November 27 2022, 05:23:19 UTC
Oh, I already have--I just hit 55,000 words tonight.


cornerofmadness November 28 2022, 02:41:38 UTC
sweet. I'm close to the finish line myself


kazzy_cee November 27 2022, 08:18:24 UTC
Wow - that’s impressive. Maybe deadlines are a good way to be creative? Have fun editing.


ozma914 November 28 2022, 01:39:19 UTC
It's something to get the butt into the seat! My wife excels at working under a deadline, but I suppose it all depends on your personality type.


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