Even Losers Can Win With NaNoWriMo

Nov 03, 2022 17:50

You won't hear much from me in November, although my regular blogs will continue with stuff already written and saved. Why? I've decided to once again compete in National Novel Writing Month, with the intention of losing ( Read more... )

authors, writing fiction, national novel writing month, writing process, genre writing, writing, the writing process, romance writing, writing community, novels, nanowrimo, fiction writing, humor writing

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Comments 2

elizalavelle November 10 2022, 13:20:00 UTC
I'm missing NaNo this year but maybe I'll get to do one of the camp months.

January would be an excellent NaNo month - post holidays. Trying to stay in from the cold and also not spend a lot of money. That all makes for a good writing month!


ozma914 November 10 2022, 13:30:52 UTC
We'll set up a competing month! National Novel Writing January.


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