Jan 23, 2022 12:00
- Sat, 13:30: Amazon Ads and Unsolveable Puzzles, But I Repeat Myself https://t.co/lb6PX0iSPS amazon, amazon rankings, books, Coming Attractions, drive-ins, e-book, promotion, publicity, self-publishing https://t.co/j1ZLBBNZVi
- Sat, 18:15: Amazon Ads and Unsolveable Puzzles, But I Repeat Myself https://t.co/tX23IAKeYG
- Sat, 18:56: RT @ HOPress: 2022 is not better yet?? from @ MarkRHunter Ick Ushers In 2022 https://t.co/9Fme40kJwF #humor #humoroutcasts #sinus #medicalhum…
- Sat, 20:02: RT @ WxMatt1: Slight update to our thinking for snowfall Sunday morning (3a to 9a). Slippery roads likely just about everywhere by sunrise.…
- Sun, 00:28: Basically, here in Indiana we'll have a choice shortly between "the roads are a little crappy" and "the roads are a LOT crappy". https://t.co/Rbtfy678sq