It's a rough, rough draft when we get serious

Oct 20, 2021 21:23

Now that I've finished the final draft of my new novel and handed it over to Emily to edit, I had to go back and figure out why I started working on it in the first place.

Ordinarily, when I finish writing a novel I like to have it finished--as good and polished as I can get it, before I move on to a new project. I also want to have it in ( Read more... )

romantic comedy, family, writing process, genre writing, the writing process, romance writing, fiction writing, cancer

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Comments 2

elizalavelle October 25 2021, 19:26:02 UTC
Writing is a great way to work through things and it's interesting to see what comes out in a story. Hope that it helped and breaks you into a different sub genre :)


ozma914 October 25 2021, 23:45:09 UTC
Thanks! I thought the story came out pretty good--we'll see if I'm right.


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