In honor of Valentine's Day, the e-book edition of our anthology humor book My Funny Valentine will be free from today, February 10, through February 14, which one of the humorists in the book calls "Sex for chocolate day".
That phrase isn't in my piece in the anthology, mind you. I've spent enough nights sleeping in the car.
You can find it here:
I mean, you might as well laugh, right? If you cry, it will just cause people to edge slowly away from you, which come to think of it might not be so bad. Depending on the people.
I know what you're thinking: "But Mark, you won't get any money for that!" True, but we did it for love. It's in the subtitle. Besides, if you like my piece in there, maybe you'll come over and check out our other books, and that could be a real love match."Mark R Hunter"