Back from Golem Masterclass!

Jun 10, 2012 19:48

I do not have the words for the awesome!!!
Let me show you in Pictures:

Tommie Soule explained Non Metallic Metal! - I can now paint it, and it doesn't look terrible!
Ali McVey - Loves good Coffee and paints awesome Faces (in like, base, shadow, highlight, highlight!)
Mike McVey showed us Two Brush Blending on the cloak. This is fairly similar to how I paint blending, but like, a bajillionty times quicker. (and it's so easy to pick up, that he spent 10 mins teaching us, then the rest of the 2 hours we were allowed to ask him anything we wanted while we practiced!)

And to compare -
This is what we learned at the 'Eavy Metal Masterclass in January:

Armour highlights and how they do the gold panels, Face and the hair. It was alot more -"this is the exact colours that you need to mix to get these results" - while this one was more - "pick one of the reds there as your base coat. darken it with Blue, or Brown, or Black to get the shading colour, and highlight up to white, or bleached bone, or yellow, or slamon... whatever. More focus on how to plan the layering, the consistency of the paint, the types of brush strokes needed to get smooth edges, sharp edges, etc.

You might also notice 2 things in the difference between these pictures...
1. Golem undercoated in white for me, so I was better able to see what I was supposed to be painting - alot of the time I had to feel my way along an edge with the brush on the black-undercoated model because I literally cannot see what I'm supposed to be painting.
2. That the tremors in my hands following our break-in in December were still pretty bad when I painted the wych mid Jan...


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