Lots of people know that I'm a comic book fan, although I don't collect like I used to since it's so damn expensive.
Not many people know (until now) that Johnny Storm was my first crush. Years ago, when my body was doing weird puberty-esqe things, I looked at Johnny Storm in my Fantastic Four comic, and came to the realisation that the male physique is a pretty nifty thing...I guess that also accounts for my lycra fetish...but we won't go there right now. ;-)
The movie is fun, and the special effects were VERY cleverly done. Chris Evans as Johnny Storm (The Human Torch) is, quite simply, HOT (no pun intended).
Julian Leonard as Dr. Doom was just as sinister as I thought he would be...although I kept waiting for The Charmed Ones to show up and kick his ass.
Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. It wasn't as good as either X-Men movie, but It was a romping good time.
It was a great way to spend a cold, windy, winter afternoon...although I did the big no-no and ate popcorn, I'm going to be hurting tomorrow.