Jan 07, 2011 23:34
I am thinking that I will make Fridays review Fridays. Where I actually do some sort of review of something I've watched or played during the last week. This week I am going to review the game series Dead Space.
This is a game that was released in 2008 to some relatively decent reviews in the gaming press but also has a lot more storyline content than the original game leads you to believe. You have six issue comic book series released by image comics about what happens on the colony surface, the 90 min animated film which describes what happens on the Ishimura until the game starts. That's not including the two books which also tie in various plot points throughout the game.
The reason why I am doing a 2008 game in today's review is that it was on sale during the steam games sale that happened recently. And it's been one game that I have been intending to play through to the end. Which I will do, however the game itself is a touch buggy on the PC (they lock the frame rate on the PC to 30 frames per second, this can unfortunately lead into input lag) but this should not detract from what is one of the most horrifying games that I have laid for a long time.
Horrifying is a good thing
you play Isaac Clark who is a maintenance engineer on a repair ship that docks with the Ishimura to try and fix the ship. There is not much else I can really say about the game that will not lead to spoilers so I won't this is a game that you do not want to be spoilt for their are way too many plot twists and turns which if you knew about them will spoil the game.
Apart from the controller lag that I have fixed in the game control is pretty tight it can be a little slippery sometimes but that is just on the PC unfortunately. Graphically it's quite nice and the atmospheric items which had around the environments works well to make it a game that looks visually pleasing. (If you find blood and gore visually pleasing mind you)
Sound wise it has a good sound field and using my 5.1 audio system walked into my computer I could hear bad guys behind me, which saves me a few times in game
for a five dollar purchase it was worth it and with a sequel game coming out soon I may look at it again for myself what it comes down in price. Or buy it from playAsia